iLogic provides rule functions for setting or reading component suppression states and colors, as well as a function for replacing one component with another.
These functions are useful for driving different configurations of parts or assemblies.
You can create a model (part or assembly) that includes the components necessary to represent all possible valid configurations of a product. This method is known as "super modeling." When the parts or assembly components are too complex or numerous, and super modeling becomes impractical, use the Component.Replace function.
To access the component functions, expand the Components node on the System tab in the Snippets area of the iLogic Edit Rule dialog.
Customize all component names before referencing the names in a rule. When you change the component name from the default name assigned by Autodesk Inventor, you ensure that it does not change when the referenced .ipt or .iam file changes.
You can change the component back to its original name and still preserve its stability. To change the component, make a minor change to the name, and then change it back to the original.
For a Content Center component, a name change is required for the Component.IsActive function as well as the Component.Replace function.
Sets or reads the suppression state and BOM structure of an assembly component. Use this function to include or exclude a component from an assembly configuration.
The function works on a single component or on component patterns. For patterns, use the pattern name. The pattern must be in the same level of the assembly as the rule and not in a subassembly.
Do not suppress subcomponents. A better alternative is to perform the suppression from a rule inside the component.
For example, an assembly named TopAssembly contains SubAssembly:1, and this subassembly contains SamplePart:1.
Use a rule inside SubAssembly to suppress SamplePart:1. This rule can have a parameter that drives the suppression state, and you can drive the parameter with a rule in TopAssembly.
When you use iLogic to suppress a component, the BOM Structure of the component is set to Reference. This action prevents it from appearing in the Bill of Material. It appears in the Model Data view, but not in the Structured or Parts Only views. If the component is unsuppressed, iLogic returns the component to its state before suppression (Normal, Inseparable, Purchased, or Phantom).
Before you use an iLogic rule to change the suppression state of an assembly component, create and activate a new custom Level of Detail.
You can use 1 instead of true and 0 instead of false.
To set suppression state and BOM structure:
Component.IsActive("PartA:1") = false Component.IsActive("PartB:1") = 0 Component.IsActive("PartC:1") = false Component.IsActive("PartD:1") = 0
To read suppression state and BOM structure:
MyBooleanParam = Component.IsActive("ComponentName:1) If Component.IsActive("PartE") Then ' do something End If
A variation of Component.IsActive, this function sets or reads the suppression state of an iPart or iAssembly component. If you do not manually change the component name, then iParts and iAssemblies require the use of this dedicated syntax.
It is recommended that you change the component name. If you do, you can then use Component.IsActive instead of this function.
The name of the factory part without the .ipt filename extension.
Sets or reads the color of a component.
Set the color:
Component.Color("iPartA:1") = "Green" Component.Color("iPartA:2") = "Aluminum (Cast)" Component.Color("iPartA:3") = "As Material"
Read the color:
MyStringParameter = Component.Color("iPartA:1")
Sets or reads the visibility of a component. This function does not change the BOM Structure of the component.
Set visibility:
Component.Visible("Plate") = true Component.Visible("Bearing") = false
Read visibility:
parameter = Component.Visible("Plate") parameter = Component.Visible("Bearing")
If Component.Visible("PartE") Then do something End If
Specifies whether a component document is saved if it changes and is then suppressed by a rule.
Component.SkipDocumentSave = True
When set to True, the component document is not saved.
The default value is False (Component.SkipDocumentSave = False); the component document is saved.
Replaces one part or subassembly with another. This function can also be used to replace component patterns.
Use iMates in components being swapped to keep the assembly constraints intact. You can swap a part for a part, a part for an assembly, or an assembly for a part.
The function searches in several folders for the file to be used as a replacement:
The filename can be a relative path (relative to any of these search locations).
Component.Replace(“ComponentToReplaceName”, “OtherPartfilename.ipt”, <replaceAll>)
The name of the part or subassembly being replaced.
The part or assembly to be used as the replacement.
Set this Boolean value to True to replace all instances of this component. Set the value to False to replace only the single named instance.
If PartType = "Type A" Then Component.Replace("Widget","PartA.ipt", True) ElseIf PartType = "Type B" Then Component.Replace("Widget","PartB.ipt", True) End If
This variation of the Component.Replace function replaces a component in an assembly with another component at a specific level of detail.
Component.Replace("SubAssem:1", "OtherAssemFilename.iam<Level of Detail>", <replaceAll>)
In this function, the <replaceAll> argument is the same as described for the more generic Component.Replace function.
You can also replace a subassembly with the same subassembly at a different level of detail.
Required for iParts with custom parameters, this function is also recommended for standard iParts. Use instead of Component.Replace when the component is an iPart. You can use iPart.ChangeRow or iPart.FindRow after replacement to change the specific iPart configuration.
For an iPart with custom parameters, list values for the custom parameters after the rowNumber. The values must be listed in the order they are found in the table.
Component.ReplaceiPart("iPart1:1", "OtherPartfilename.ipt", True, rowNumber)
Use rowNumber to replace the component and choose an iPart row at the same time.
To set the custom parameters, repeat the custom values in Component.ReplaceiPart and again in iPart.ChangeRow or iPart.FindRow later in the rule.
For ChangeRow:
Component.ReplaceiPart("iPart1:1", "OtherPartfilename.ipt", True, rowNumber, customParam1, customParam2) iPart.ChangeRow("iPart1:1", rowNumber, customParam1, customParam2)
For FindRow:
Component.ReplaceiPart("iPart1:1", "OtherPartfilename.ipt", True, rowNumber, customParam1, customParam2) i = iPart.FindRow("iPart1:1", "Dia", ">=", 3.0, "r;|", customParam1, customParam2)
Defines the path to a component name in a subassembly. To specify the path, list all subassembly levels in the order they appear in the tree. This function is required if you want to specify a component name when the same name also exists elsewhere in the assembly.
Component.Color(MakePath("SubAssem1:1", "Part2:1")) = “Green” Component.IsActive(MakePath("SubAssem1:1", "SubSubAssem2:1", "Part2:1")) = “Yellow”