To Create Chamfers

  1. Click3D Model tab Modify panel Chamfer .
  2. In the Chamfer dialog box, select a method:
    • Distance. Defines a chamfer with the same offset distance from the edge on both faces. Selects a single edge, multiple edges, or chained edges. You can specify corner setback appearance:
    • Distance and Angle. Defines a chamfer by an offset from an edge and an angle from one face to the offset. You can chamfer any edge or all edges of a selected face at once:
    • Two Distances . Creates a chamfer on a single edge with a specified distance for each face. You can chain edges together:
  3. Select the edge, edges or face and edges to chamfer.
  4. Specify the extent of the chamfer:
    • Distance. Specifies offset distance of chamfer from selected edge or edges. When two distances define a chamfer, specifies both offsets.
    • Angle. When a distance and angle define a chamfer, specifies the angle of the chamfer.
  5. (Optional) If you choose the two-distance method to define the chamfer, click Flip to change the direction of the chamfer distances.
  6. If edges intersect at a tangent point, specify the edge chain condition by clicking More and choosing one of the following:
    • All Tangentially Connected Edges. Includes all tangent edges in the chamfer.
    • Single Edge. Select one edge at a time.
  7. (Optional) If three or more intersecting edges are selected, specify setback appearance by clicking More and choosing one of the following:
    • Setback . Joins the chamfer at a flat intersection.
    • No Setback . Forms a corner point at the intersection, as if milled on three edges.
  8. Click OK.

Show Me how to create a chamfer