Inventor Connected Design on A360 Enhancements

Significant improvements to the Connected Design on A360 workflow make it faster and easier to conduct 3D design reviews with your team and other project collaborators anywhere, on any device.

Tools for Managing Design Shares are Now Also Available in Inventor

The tools for managing Design Shares, previously only available on your A360 drive, are now also available in Inventor. They are located in the Connected Design on A360 panel on the new Design Shares tab. Design Share owners can now manage Design Shares directly inside of Inventor.

For more information, see Manage Design Shares in the Connected Design on A360 Panel - Design Shares tab.

Quickly Move or Hide the Connected Design Entry Button

For more information, see To Turn On/OFF, Load/Unload and Move the Connected Design Entry Button.

Design Share Comments Now Available Inside Inventor

Owners and collaborators who have Inventor 2017 can now open a Design Share, view, and post comments in the viewing window inside of Inventor.

For more information, see To View and Post Comments - Connected Design on A360 Panel.

Improved Assistance with Configuration Issues

For more information, see To Resolve Connected Design on A360 Installation and Configuration Issues.