Use the Create House Connection workflow to create a new house connection in the network. You must specify a cross section template as part of the workflow. To create a cross section template, see Creating a Segment Cross Section Template in Electric.
- Click Home tab Display panel Generate Graphic.
- Click the Workflow Explorer icon to display the workflows.
- Under Client Workflows, Acquisition workflows, click Create House Connection. Click Execute.
- Click either of the following options:
- Digitize Segment—Prompts you to draw the segment from the house connection to the network segment.
- Straight segment—Automatically draws a straight segment from the house connection to the network segment.
- Select the cross section template for the house connection segment.
- Select the structure to create at the connection to the network segment.
This structure houses the device at the connection. A structure is required.
- Under Conductor, click either of the following options:
- Create Conductor Only In New Segment—Creates a conductor to the device at the connection.
- Select End Position Of The Conductor—Prompts you to specify the end point of the conductor.
- Specify the device to create at the connection to the network segment.
If you create the conductor only in the segment, you must specify the device to create at the connection.
- Click OK to run the workflow.