About the Enterprise Industry Model

The Maintenance workspace in AutoCAD Map 3D combines the drawing and editing tools of AutoCAD, the GIS functionality in AutoCAD Map 3D, and the database functionality of an enterprise industry model. Different departments, such as design, mapping, customer service, and operations, can work with a single, current source rather than multiple versions. This saves time and reduces errors.

When you use an enterprise industry model, you can connect to it and to multiple industry model drawings at the same time.


An enterprise industry model project is your customized working environment. It contains one or more industry models that contain the feature classes, visualization styles, and workflows relevant to your work. The project also provides the appropriate access rights for your role. To begin to work with an enterprise industry model, open a project.

Display Models

Display models use the Display Manager to display the same data in different ways depending on department needs and requirements. For example, a network engineer can view network data with land base information in the background. Similarly, an operations manager can view color-coded assets that reflect maintenance schedules.

Your System Administrator defines the styles and themes that control the display of your features. Each feature class can be associated with one or more layers that have associated styles. Use styles to display the same features in different ways depending on your needs. All feature classes, for example pipes, houses, and parcels can be visualized in many ways as needed by your job function. For example:

Use the Generate Graphics command to populate your map with the feature geometry in the enterprise industry model .

Working with Features

Feature creation commands are organized by feature class. Right-click a feature class to display all available feature creation commands. You can digitize new geometry, digitize geometry and populate a form with attribute data, convert existing AutoCAD geometry into enterprise industry model features, or perform any available creation workflow.

When you create a new feature, it is automatically associated with the correct feature class. If the feature class is part of a topology, the new geometry is incorporated, and the topology is updated. Feature rules ensure that new features are consistent. Your System Administrator can establish required attributes and available settings for attribute forms.

Use AutoCAD commands to edit feature geometry. In the Maintenance workspace, select the feature. Grips are displayed on the feature. Changes are saved to the database immediately.

You can also make changes to a specific set of features. For each feature, you can display a form to enter and revise attribute data directly in the database. Display the form for a feature class, use the filter to find a subset of features, and make your edits. Use Global Update to update all features in the set. Remove the filter to edit all features in the class.


The Maintenance workspace provides workflows that improve the speed and accuracy of data creation. Workflows use standardized steps and apply business rules to maintain consistency. As you create geometry, the workflow prompts you to populate necessary attribute data fields.

Vertical Applications

This guide describes standard enterprise industry model functionality. There are also vertical applications specific to water, wastewater, gas, and electric networks, and for land management. These vertical applications contain common industry-specific database structures, including data schema, database relationships, user-definable data constraints, and workflows for the management of these networks.

Error Messages

The Generated Error Messages dialog box displays a variety of error messages. In general, they are self explanatory. For Oracle-related messages, use the Oracle error code to locate more information in your Oracle help.