Use the Coordinate Import tool to import coordinate files into an enterprise industry model from the following formats:
The Coordinate Import tool provides a Format Definition Manager that helps you to define your own file formats.
The Coordinate Import tool imports the points into a single feature class, or uses a field code list to distribute the points into different feature classes in one or more industry models .
You can transform the imported coordinates into the coordinate system of the enterprise industry model when you import them.
In the enterprise industry model Survey module, you use field codes to classify the points that you measure. The field code specifies the database schema and feature class in which a point will be stored.
The Coordinate Import tool uses the field code list to distribute the points. When you import points, you select the field code list from the appropriate Survey project.
For example, using field codes, you can distribute the points to different industry models .
This coordinate file has fixed column widths. For example, the identifier is from position 17 to position 30.
*----------------------------------------------------------- *23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 *Point type!Identifier !Easting !Northing ! Coordinate ! 41502000! 599999.999! 200000.003! Coordinate ! 41501000! 600200.001! 200000.001! Coordinate ! 41501001! 600250.000! 200500.000!
Coordinate file with comma-separated values. For example, the easting coordinate is the third value.
*Point typeIdentifier,Easting,Northing,Height Coordinate,41502000,599999,200000,765 Coordinate,41501000,600200,200001,767 Coordinate,41501001,600250,200500,768