Overview of Plotting

For enterprise industry models , you can create plot layouts and save them as plot templates. Define the map area and plot quickly and accurately. AutoCAD Map 3D plots the current state of the features on demand. You can print a plot or save it to a file.

Note: Before you can plot in the Maintenance workspace, your System Administrator must enable the industry model for plotting.

A plot definition contains the settings for sending a map to a plotter. It specifies the printer, paper size, and display model for the plot. It defines elements such as a map placeholder, legend, north arrow, and scalebar. A map placeholder is a frame that designates where a specific area of a map is shown in the plot. You can define attributes for the map placeholder such as stylization, scale, extents and rotation. One or more map placeholders can be shown in a single plot. These elements are stored in a special feature class. Each plot definition and plot template refers to a plot display model, which specifies the visual style of the plot, for example, which block is used to represent the north arrow or scalebar.

A plot template lets you specify some settings for all the plots that use that template, while any unspecified settings can be set at plot time. For example, you can specify the paper size, and elements for the plot, but each individual plot can specify the printer to use and the insertion point and rotation for the map placeholder.

You can create a plot that is based on a template or a blank page. In either case, you can save and reuse plots.

Plotting with Infrastructure Application Extension

If you are using Infrastructure Application Extension, you can create plots from an existing template or plot. You cannot create a plot from a blank page, and you cannot create a plot template.