To Digitize Polygons With Islands

To digitize a polygon with an island for an enterprise industry model

  1. In the Maintenance workspace, open an industry model drawing or an enterprise industry model project.
  2. Click Home tab > Display panel > Generate Graphic..
  3. Draw the inner ring.
  4. In the Industry Model explorer, select a polygon feature class. Right-click and click Digitize With Form.
  5. Digitize the outer ring.

    When you finish, the feature class form is displayed.

  6. Enter attribute data and click Update.
  7. On the Feature Class Form Toolbar, click Insert An Existing Geometry As Inner Ring And Add It To the Polygon.
  8. In the drawing, select the inner ring.

    The inner ring is added to the polygon. If you selected an enterprise industry model feature as an inner ring, you are prompted to delete the inner ring.

  9. Choose Delete Existing Features to delete the inner ring feature.