Coordinate Reference

The Coordinate dialog box displays the approximate and final coordinates that are available after each calculation step. The coordinates are grouped according to their status in the adjustment process.

In the Coordinate data grid, use the following shortcut menus to move a point to another point group. These commands are available after calculation step 5, Find Identical Points has been completed, and before step 7, Calculate Adjustment has been executed.

Coordinate shortcut menus


Set As Fix Point

Moves the point to the Fix Point tab. Use this command to introduce a reliable existing point to the adjustment calculation.

You can only set a new point as fix point, if it has a a feature class and a source industry model defined.

Set As Moveable Point

Moves the point to the Moveable Point tab. For example, if you are not sure about the quality of a fix point, you introduce the point as moveable point.

Set As New Point

Moves the point the New Points tab.

The Coordinate dialog box displays the point attributes as shown in the following table.


When you modify the coordinates, or move the point to another tab, you must restart the calculation at step 5, Find Identical Points.

Coordinate dialog box



Unique identifier, such as a point number. Imported from the field data.


Field Code that specifies the feature class of the point. Imported from the field data.




Displays the coordinates.

Easting-Coordinate in east-west direction.

Northing-Coordinate in north-south direction.


Std. E

For moveable points: Displays the standard deviation for easting.

Std. N

For moveable points: Displays the standard deviation for northing. This value is stored in the database: <point feature class>.TB_ACCURACY

Source Industry Model

For existing points: Displays the industry model that stores the point.

Source FC

For existing points: Displays the feature class that stores the point.


For moveable altimetry points the easting and northing values remain empty. For moveable planimetry points, the height value must be empty.