Critical Identical Point

The Critical Identical Point dialog box is displayed during calculation step 5, Find Identical Points. When you search by identifier, such as the point number, it can happen that the position of the two identical points exceeds the tolerance.

Critical points can be caused by the following.

For example, points that have been measured twice from different stations are listed, if the difference is bigger than the tolerance. The tolerance is specified in the field code list.

Critical Identical Points


Main Ident

Child Ident

Display the unique identifier of the two points.

Main E

Child E

Displays the easting value.

Main N

Child N

Displays the northing value.

Main H

Child H

Displays the height.


Displays the difference in position.

In the data grid, right-click the row to view the related measurements.

To analyze critical identical points

  1. In the data grid, select the row, right-click, and click one of the following:
    • Show Station of Main Point
    • Show Station of Child Point
  2. In the Measurement dialog box, check the observation for possible errors. If you correct any errors, you must restart the calculation at step 3.