During the import of the measurements, points are classified either as Base Point or as Detail Point.
Base point—Geodetic point, such as station, control point, or geodetic network point. Base points are either existing points with known coordinates that are stored in the data base, or they are determined during the adjustment calculation. When you import a file, each target point (tachymeter), or point (GPS) is classified either as detail point, or as base point (Point Type attribute). For any adjustment calculation, a minimum number of known base points is required.
Fix point—Base point with known coordinates that is stored in the data base.
Detail points—Measured point, that determines the location of real world features, such as building corners, manholes, border points. Other than base points they are not used as station, and they are not part of the geodetic network.
For each observation, the sub type specifies whether the point has been measured in face 1 = Normal Measurement, or face 2 = Second Face Measurement.