To Create Features

To digitize features for the enterprise industry model

  1. In the Maintenance workspace, open an enterprise industry model project.
  2. In the Industry Model explorer, right-click a feature class and click Digitize or Digitize With Form.
  3. In the drawing, digitize the features.

    Watch the AutoCAD command line.

  4. Press Enter when you finish digitizing the features.

    If you chose Digitize With Form, you see the feature class form with the new features in the filter.

To create enterprise industry model features from geometry

  1. In the Industry Model explorer, right-click a feature class and click Create Feature From Geometry.
  2. On the command line, you are prompted to select the entities to add to the database.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. If you selected features that are already saved in the database, choose from the following options:
    • Delete Existing Features: Replace an existing feature with the new one.
    • Leave Existing Features Intact: Add a new feature and retain the existing one.