Creating Plot Templates


This procedure should be performed by a System Administrator.

Each enterprise industry model plot inherits the settings of the plot template that is used to define it. When you define a plot from a plot template, the following is true:

Plot templates ensure consistency across an organization, and are usually defined by administrators.

A template always specifies the paper size, orientation, and stylization for the plot. When you create an individual plot using a template, you cannot change those settings. Other settings in a plot template can be specified or left blank, for example, the scale used for a map placeholder or the layout of the maps on the page and how each map is styled. If you specify these settings in the template, you will not be able to override them when you create a plot with that template. If you leave such settings blank, you must specify them each time you create a plot with that template.

Use plot templates to store the settings for multiple plots, for example several plots at a scale of 1:5000 at a certain size. Individual plots use the scale, layout, and settings from the template, but specify a different location or updated data. For example, you can produce current plots every month to send updated data to your civil engineers.

Plot Template Settings

A plot template can include any of the following settings:

Plot Template Elements

The elements in the plot template are objects that you can style. They are stored in the enterprise industry model as a special feature class. A plot template can include any of the following elements:


The blocks used for template elements are AutoCAD blocks. The System Administrator specifies a location for these blocks, and may install standard blocks in that location for you to use in your display models.

Plot Template Text Elements

Text elements in the plot template can include any of the following elements: