To Create Ducts and Conductors Automatically

To create ducts and conductors automatically

  1. Click Electric Explorer.
  2. In the Electric Explorer, click Clear All Containers.
  3. Click Select Features From Map.
  4. Select the segments in your network.

    There must be a structural node between each segment.

  5. Specify the Model to define the layout and number of ducts in the segment.

    In the Segment container, select the segment and select a model from the Model drop-down list.

    You can also right-click the Segment in the container. Click Show Form. On the General tab, use the Model drop down to specify the number of ducts in the segment. Click Update & Close.

    Each segment must have a model assigned to specify the type of cross section to use. For more information on defining cross sections, see Electric Cross Sections.

  6. In the Duct container, click New.
  7. In the first segment, click the snap point for the duct.

    Snap points in all segments are highlighted.

  8. In the last segment, click the snap point for the duct.

    The duct is generated along all the segments in the network.

  9. Repeat this process to create the conductors automatically.