The ArcGIS provider uses the ESRI ArcObjects 10 API. It is available for the AutoCAD Map 3D 32-bit version only. It is not available for the 64-bit version or for Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server.
To bring in features from ArcGIS
To select from a list of databases, click the down arrow. AutoCAD Map 3D connects to the specified server and instance and lists the available versions.
If this feature source contains only a single feature class, that feature class is selected automatically. If it contains multiple feature classes, you can do either of the following:
If a feature class contains multiple geometry types,and you select the feature class itself, all geometries are added. To add a subset of geometries, hold your cursor over the feature class name to see the Show Geometry button. Click Show Geometry to see each geometry as a separate choice. Select the ones you want. Each selected geometry is added to map as a separate Display Manager layer.
If you retrieve a layer from ArcSDE and the coordinate system is not recognized, the layer may fail to load. To load the layer, assign a coordinate system.
To bring in a subset of the data, click the down arrow and select Add To Map With Query.