Scripted Utilities for New Users
Scripted Utilities appear in the Utilities Panel > MAXScript Utility. This used to be the main script
type in the early 3ds Max versions (R2.x). Many older scripts are still available as scripted utilities. In
addition, scripted utilities are probably the easiest to write script form since they
are a special case of rollouts and can save the developer some UI management work.
Scripted utilities have the extension .ms and contain the constructor "utility" in
the source code, something in the form of:
utility someName "Some Name"
To run a scripted utility (single3ds Max session):
- Go to the Utilities panel, open MAXScript Utility, press Run Script... (Alternatively, go to main menu, MAXScript, Run Script...)
- Locate and select the .ms script source file and press Open. The name of the utility will appear in the "Utilities" drop-down list.
- Select the name of the Utility from the list - the scripted utility will open in the
Utilities panel.
NOTE:Next time you start 3ds Max, the Utility will NOT be loaded. You will have to repeat the above steps or use the method below:
To install a scripted utility (multiple3ds Max sessions)
- Copy the script file to the \Scripts\Startup folder.
- Start 3ds Max- the script will be evaluated on startup and will appear in the Utilities Panel >
MAXScript > Utilities drop-down list automatically. This will happen each time you
start 3ds Max.
- To start, select the name of the Utility from the drop-down list - the scripted utility
will open in the Utilities panel.
MAXScript for New and Casual Users
MacroScripts for New Users
Scripted Plug-ins for New Users
Scripted Functions for New Users
MAXScript DLX Extensions for New Users