TextPlus – superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node – classID: #(1815478437, 291720888)
<TextPlus>.interpolationsteps : integer default:5
The number of interpolation steps for font smoothing.
<TextPlus>.optimize : integer
The interpolation optimization setting. 1=on, 0=off.
<TextPlus>.adaptive : integer
The interpolation adaptive setting. 1=on, 0=off.
<TextPlus> .layouttype : integer
The layout type. 0=Point, 1=Region
<TextPlus> .plane : integer
The layout plane, when layouttype is Point. 0=Auto, 1=XY, 2=XZ, 3=YZ
<TextPlus> .length : float
The layout region length.
<TextPlus> .width : float
The layout region width.
.alignment : integer
.size : float
The font size.
.tracking : float
The font tracking value.
.leading : float
The font leading value.
.vscale : float
The font Vertical Scale value, as a percent.
.hscale : float
The font Horizontal Scale value, as a percent.
.elementtype : integer
The type of elements that the text will be split into for animation presets.
.charKerningOffset : float array
An array of kerning offset values for each character in the text string.
.charBaselineOffset : float array
An array of baseline offset values for each character in the text string.
.charXScale : float array
An array of X scale values for each character in the text string.
.charYScale : float array
An array of Y scale values for each character in the text string.
.generateGeometry : integer
The Generate Geometry setting, 0=off, 1=on.
.extrudeamount : float
The extrude amount, which can be positive or negative. The default is 0.
.extrudesegments : integer
The number of segments making up the extrusion. From front to back, the extruded characters will be divided by this number of segments.
.applybevel : Boolean
Indicates whether a bevel is applied to the text.
.beveldepth : float
The depth of the bevel.
.usebevelwidth (UseBevelDepth) : Boolean
Indicates whether the .bevelwidth setting is applied.
.bevelwidth : float
The bevel width – only applied if .usebevelwidth is true.
.bevelsteps : integer
The number of steps in the bevel. This determines the number of subdivisions per Bezier segment of the bevel profile curve.
.bevelpush : float
The Bevel Push value. This is a scaling factor applied to the bevel profile curve, perpendicular to the bevel. A value of 1.0 gives the original bevel curve. A value of -1.0 gives an inverted bevel curve. A value of 0 always results in a straight bevel.
.beveloptimize : Boolean
Indicates whether the bevel is optimized. When optimized, linear segments in the bevel profile curve will be reduced to a single edge, disregarding the .bevelsteps parameter.
.beveloffset : float
The Outline Offset setting. May be a positive or negative value.
.capstart : integer .capend : integer
The capping setting for the start (top) and end (bottom) of the beveled text:
.capstartconstrain : boolean .capendconstrain : Boolean
The cap constrain setting for the start (top) and end (bottom) of the beveled text.
.captype : integer
The Cap Type setting:
.startcapmaterial : integer .startbevelmaterial : integer .sidematerial : integer .endbevelmaterial : integer .endcapmaterial : integer
The ID of the material associated with the Start Cap, Start Bevel, Sides, End Bevel, and End Cap, respectively.
.macroname : string array .macroflags : int array .macrovalue : float array .upaxis : integer
The “Up” axis setting:
.axisflip : Boolean
Indicates whether the axis is flipped.
.nodeElements : node array .nodeElementsCenters : point3 array .BevelProfileCurve
The bevel profile curve, an object of type ReferenceTarget:BevelProfileCurve. Note that this type is not currently exposed in MaxScript.
Methods are exposed via Interface: textObject2
<void>GetRTFString <&TSTR>rtfstring
rtfstring is Out parameter
Returns the object string in RTF format.
<boolean>SetRTFString <string>string
Sets the object string as an RTF formatted string. This method clears all formatting settings, equivalent to calling ResetStyle().
<void>GetPlaintextString <&TSTR>textstring
textstring is Out parameter
Gets the object string as a plain text string without formatting.
<boolean>SetPlaintextString <string>string
Sets the object string as a plain text string without formatting. This method clears all formatting settings, equivalent to calling ResetStyle().
Resets the object string to an empty string.
These methods affect the current text formatting settings. Calling them does not affect the formatting of text already in the TextPlus object’s text string, they affect text added subsequently using AppendString(). Calling SetPlaintextString() or SetRTFString() resets all formatting settings.
See the Code Sample section below for an illustration of these methods being used to create and format a string.
<boolean>SetFont <string>fontName <integer>charset
Sets the current font selection and character set index.
<void>SetBold <boolean>sw <void>SetItalic <boolean>sw <void>SetUnderline <boolean>sw <void>SetStrikethrough <boolean>sw <void>SetSubscript <boolean>sw <void>SetSuperscript <boolean>sw <void>SetAllCaps <boolean>sw <void>SetSmallCaps <boolean>sw
These methods all set text formatting options, where true=on and false=off.
Resets all text formatting settings to their defaults.
<void>AppendString <string>string
Appends the specified string to the TextPlus object’s string. The appended string takes the current text formatting.
<void>AppendChar <integer>character
Appends the character, specified by ASCII code, to the TextPlus object’s string. Note that this method will add a newline when the string source is RTF.
<boolean>SetCharBaseline <index>index <time>time <worldUnits>value <boolean>SetCharKerning <index>index <time>time <worldUnits>value <boolean>SetCharXScale <index>index <time>time <float>value <boolean>SetCharYScale <index>index <time>time <float>value
These methods set animatable values for the character specified by index to the specified value, at the specified time. Note that you must set Animate to On before using these methods.
Returns the number of characters in the TextPlus string.
<boolean>GetCharacter <index>index <&integer>character <&TSTR>fontName <&integer>charSet <&DWORD>style
character is Out parameter
fontName is Out parameter
charSet is Out parameter
style is Out parameter
Gets formatting information for the character at the specified index.
<boolean>SetCharacter <index>index <integer>character <TSTR>fontName <integer>charSet <DWORD>style
Sets the character (specified by ASCII code), font, character set, and style for the character at the specified index.
Style is a bitflag and can be:
<index>GetSeparationType() <boolean>SetSeparationType <index>type
Gets or sets the Animation Separate setting:
<void>GetSeparationUpAxis <&index>axis <&boolean>flip
axis is In and Out parameter
flip is In and Out parameter
<boolean>SetSeparationUpAxis <index>axis <boolean>flip
Gets or sets the Animation “Up” Axis and Flip Axis settings:
<boolean>GetCharBaseline <index>index <time>time <&worldUnits>value <&interval>valid <boolean>GetCharKerning <index>index <time>time <&worldUnits>value <&interval>valid <boolean>GetCharXScale <index>index <time>time <&float>value <&interval>valid <boolean>GetCharYScale <index>index <time>time <&float>value <&interval>valid
value is Out parameter
valid is In and Out parameter
These methods get baseline, kerning, X and Y scale values for the character at the specified index and time. These methods also return a validity interval for the value.
<boolean>GetCharGlyphMesh <index>index <time>time <&mesh>mesh <&interval>valid <boolean>GetCharExtrasMesh <index>index <time>time <&mesh>mesh <&interval>valid <boolean>GetCharTotalMesh <index>index <time>time <&mesh>mesh <&interval>valid
mesh is In and Out parameter
valid is In and Out parameter
These methods get the Mesh objects associated with the character at the specified index and time. These methods return the mesh (as a trimesh object) and validity interval.
The following code sample constructs a TextPlus object, creates a formatted string, and animates individual characters.
--Simple text construction and Animation with TextPlus actionMan.executeAction 0 "40005" -- Reset TextPlus layouttype:0 Plane:0 transform:(matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,0,1] [0,-1,0] [0,0,0]) isSelected:on $.ResetString() -- Default font is Arial but you can set whatever $.SetFont "Arial" 0 $.ResetStyle() $.AppendString "My " $.SetBold true $.SetItalic true $.AppendString "Text " $.ResetStyle() $.SetFont "Tahoma" 0 $.SetUnderline true $.AppendString "String" $.SetUnderline false $.AppendChar 32 -- space $.AppendChar 33 -- Exclamation -- Now let's do some simple animation set animate on --M $.SetCharBaseline 1 10 -40 $.SetCharBaseline 1 20 40 $.SetCharBaseline 1 30 -40 $.SetCharBaseline 1 40 0 --y $.SetCharBaseline 2 10 40 $.SetCharBaseline 2 20 -40 $.SetCharBaseline 2 30 40 $.SetCharBaseline 2 40 0 --T $.SetCharBaseline 4 10 0 $.SetCharBaseline 4 20 40 $.SetCharBaseline 4 30 -40 $.SetCharBaseline 4 40 40 $.SetCharBaseline 4 50 0 --e $.SetCharBaseline 5 10 0 $.SetCharBaseline 5 20 -40 $.SetCharBaseline 5 30 40 $.SetCharBaseline 5 40 -40 $.SetCharBaseline 5 50 0 --! $.SetCharYScale 16 10 1 $.SetCharYScale 16 20 3 $.SetCharYScale 16 30 -3 $.SetCharYScale 16 40 3 $.SetCharYScale 16 50 1 set animate off