Interface: SceneMissingPlugIns

Interfaces > Core Interfaces > SceneMissingPlugIns



Core Interfaces - Quick Navigation

The SceneMissingPlugins Core Interface provides methods to query to count, classes, file names and descriptions of missing plugins in the current scene.

Available in 3ds Max 2014 and higher.




Returns the number of missing plugins in the current scene.


<string>SceneMissingPlugIns.GetMissingPlugInClassName <index>Index

Returns the class name of the indexed missing plugin.


<string>SceneMissingPlugIns.GetMissingPlugInFileName <index>Index

Returns the file name of the indexed missing plugin.


<string>SceneMissingPlugIns.GetMissingPlugInDescription <index>Index

Returns the description of the indexed missing plugin.


--The following script will print information about missing plugins, if any:
for i = 1 to SceneMissingPlugIns.GetMissingPlugInCount() do
    local theName = SceneMissingPlugIns.GetMissingPlugInClassName i
    local theFileName = SceneMissingPlugIns.GetMissingPlugInFileName i
    local theDesc = SceneMissingPlugIns.GetMissingPlugInDescription i
    format "%: % | % | %\n" i theName theFileName theDesc
--To test, evaluate a scripted plugin, create an instance of it in the scene and save the scene.
--Restart 3ds Max and without reevaluating the scripted plugin, load the scene file.
--Then execute the script above to see the information about your missing plugin.