Converting ActiveX ListView Control to DotNet ListView Control
ListView Controls are probably the most widely used ActiveX controls in scripted 3ds
Max tools. Converting such scripts to use DotNet ListView controls is a relatively
straightforward process.
Let's take as the base for our conversion example the simple script available in the
topic How To ... Develop a Selected Objects Inspector using ListView ActiveX Control - Part
In the following script, you can compare the original ActiveX code which is now remarked
and in green to the new commented DotNet code.
macroScript SceneListView category:"DotNet"
rollout listview_rollout "ListView Selected"
/* ActiveX Version:
fn initListView lv =
lv.gridLines = true
lv.View = #lvwReport
lv.fullRowSelect = true
layout_def = #("Object Name", "Object Class", "Verts", "Faces", "Material")
for i in layout_def do
column = lv.ColumnHeaders.add()
column.text = I
fn initListView lv =
lv.gridLines = true --same as in ActiveX
--The following controls the display of details. We use defaults:
lv.View = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.View").Details
lv.fullRowSelect = true --same as in ActiveX
layout_def = #("Object Name", "Object Class", "Verts", "Faces", "Material")
for i in layout_def do
lv.Columns.add i 96 --add column with name and optional width
/* ActiveX Version:
fn fillInSpreadSheet lv =
for o in selection do
li = lv.ListItems.add()
li.text =
sub_li = li.ListSubItems.add()
sub_li.text = (classof o) as string
sub_li = li.ListSubItems.add()
sub_li.text = try((o.mesh.numverts) as string)catch("--")
sub_li = li.ListSubItems.add()
sub_li.text = try((o.mesh.numfaces) as string)catch("--")
sub_li = li.ListSubItems.add()
sub_li.text = (o.material) as string
fn fillInSpreadSheet lv =
theRange = #() --array to collect the list items
for o in selection do
--First we create a ListViewItem objectwith the object's name:
li = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem"
--Then we add all the sub-itemswith the desired string values:
sub_li = li.SubItems.add ((classof o) as string)
sub_li = li.SubItems.add (try((o.mesh.numverts) as string)catch("--"))
sub_li = li.SubItems.add (try((o.mesh.numfaces) as string)catch("--"))
sub_li = li.SubItems.add ((o.material) as string)
append theRange li--we add the list item to the array
lv.Items.AddRange theRange--when done, we populate the ListView
/* ActiveX Version:
activeXControl lv_objects "MSComctlLib.ListViewCtrl" width:490 height:190 align:#center
dotNetControl lv_objects "System.Windows.Forms.ListView" width:490 height:190 align:#center
on listview_rollout open do
initListView lv_objects
fillInSpreadSheet lv_objects
try(destroyDialog listview_rollout)catch()
createDialog listview_rollout 500 200