PatchDeform - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(1697653668, 1924755289)
Value > MAXWrapper > Modifier > PatchDeform |
Moves the object along the U (horizontal) axis of the gizmo patch, based on a percentage of the U distance. This defaults to a setting of 50 percent, which places the object at the center of the gizmo patch. A setting of 0 percent places the object at the left edge of the gizmo patch, as seen from the viewport where the patch was created.
Scales the object along the U (horizontal) axis of the gizmo patch.
Moves the object along the V (vertical) axis of the gizmo patch, based on a percentage of the V distance. A setting of 0 percent places the object at the bottom of the gizmo patch.
Scales the object along the V (vertical) axis of the gizmo patch.
Rotates the modified object with respect to the gizmo patch.
Choose a two-axis plane of the object to make parallel with the XY plane of the gizmo patch:
When on, reverses the gizmo direction.
At this sub-object level, you can transform and animate the gizmo like any other object, altering the effect of the modifier. The PatchDeform gizmo is a representation of the deforming patch object, so transforming it determines which part of the patch affects the modified object.
The position of the patchdeform gizmo.
The rotation of the patchdeform gizmo.