Miscellaneous Functions


NEW in 3ds Max 2017: Returns true if a MAXScript stack trace is available. It is only useful inside a catch statement - if used outside a catch, it will return false. It should always return true within a catch.



NEW in 3ds Max 2017: Returns true if a C++ stack trace is available. It is only useful inside a catch statement - if used outside a catch, it will return false. Within a catch, it will be true only if the exception that was caught was a system exception, such as an access violation or an integer divide by 0.



NEW in 3ds Max 2017: Returns the C++ stack trace captured at the time an exception was thrown, as a string. It is only useful inside a catch statement - if used outside a catch, it will return 'undefined'. Within a catch, if the C++ stack trace was not captured, an empty string is returned.


CaptureCallStack [skipFirstNStackLevels:<int>]

NEW in 3ds Max 2017: Captures the MAXScript call stack. The skipFirstNStackLevels parameter defaults to 3 if not specified.



Frees up all the memory used by the image file bitmap caches. This is useful if memory is fragmented with a lot of different bitmaps and you want to have just the ones currently active reloaded.


rescaleWorldUnits <factor> [ #selOnly ]   

This method provides functionality similar to that of Rescale World Utility plug-in in 3ds Max. <factor> is the factor the objects should be scaled by. If #selOnly is specified then only the selected objects are scaled.



Returns true if 3ds Max is operating in network rendering mode and false if operating in normal interactive mode.


loadDllsFromDir <directory_path_string> <filename_wildcard_string> 

Load all the plug-ins found in the specified directory. The directory_path_string must be terminated with a '\'.


LoadDllsFromDir "f:\\maxsdk\\plugin\\" "*.dlc"


scanForNewPlugins includeUnknownSuperclasses:<bool> 

Scans for new plug-in classes and exposes the classes to MAXScript. Typically called after calling loadDllsFromDir() .

If includeUnknownSuperclasses: is false (the default), classes with unknown superclasses are ignored.

Available in 3ds Max 2008 and higher. Previously available via the [AVG] DLX Extension.



Returns an Array with three integers like #(3000, 6, 0) with 3ds Max release number, max API number, revision number of the SDK.



NEW in 3ds Max 2016 Extension 1: Returns an integer indicating the 3ds Max Extension version, or 0 if it is not an Extension.



Returns the 3ds Max window size in pixels.



Returns the 3ds Max window position in pixels relative to the upper left corner of the desktop. Returns [-4,-4] when the application is maximized.


swap <destination> <destination> 

Takes two valid assignment destinations (property, array index, or variable) as arguments and swaps their values.


swap myMaterial.diffuseMap.map1 myMaterial.diffuseMap.map2
<color>ConvertKelvinToRGB <float>Kelvin <float>scale 

NEW in 3ds Max 2017: Returns the blackbody radiation color corresponding to the temperature in Kelvin specified by the first argument. The second argument scales the color output.

A value of 6,500 K produces white color [255,255,255] at Scale of 1.0, or equal R,G and B values at any other Scale


 	global Kelvin2RGBExplorerRollout
 	try(destroyDialog Kelvin2RGBExplorerRollout)catch()
 	rollout Kelvin2RGBExplorerRollout "Kelvin To RGB Explorer"
       	local theGradient = bitmap 600 50
       	local theGradient2 = bitmap 600 1
       	local theColorArray = #()
       	local theKelvinArray = #()
       	button btn_fromPreset1 "100" width:50 across:8 align:#left
       	button btn_fromPreset2 "1,000" width:50 align:#left offset:[-20,0]
       	button btn_fromPreset3 "1,500" width:50 align:#left offset:[-40,0]
       	button btn_fromPreset4 "2,500" width:50 align:#left offset:[-60,0]
       	button btn_fromPreset5 "5,000" width:50 align:#left offset:[-80,0]
       	button btn_fromPreset6 "6,500" width:50 align:#left offset:[-100,0]
       	button btn_fromPreset7 "10,000" width:50 align:#left offset:[-120,0]
       	spinner spn_fromKelvin "Start Temperature In Kelvin:" range:[0.01,10000000,100] fieldwidth:50 align:#right
       	button btn_toPreset1 "100" width:50 across:8 align:#left
       	button btn_toPreset2 "1,000" width:50 align:#left offset:[-20,0]
       	button btn_toPreset3 "1,500" width:50 align:#left offset:[-40,0]
       	button btn_toPreset4 "2,500" width:50 align:#left offset:[-60,0]
       	button btn_toPreset5 "5,000" width:50 align:#left offset:[-80,0]
       	button btn_toPreset6 "6,500" width:50 align:#left offset:[-100,0]
       	button btn_toPreset7 "10,000" width:50 align:#left offset:[-120,0]
       	spinner spn_toKelvin "End Temperature In Kelvin:" range:[0.01,10000000,10000] fieldwidth:50 align:#right
       	progressbar prg_scale height:15 width:480 align:#left across:2 offset:[0,0] value:100.0 color:green
       	spinner spn_scale "Scale:" range:[0.01,1.0,1.0] scale:0.01 fieldwidth:50 align:#right
       	bitmap bmp_gradient width:600 height:50 align:#center
       	edittext edt_Kvalue "Kelvin:" across:4 fieldwidth:100 align:#left
       	edittext edt_Rvalue "R:"  fieldwidth:120 align:#center
       	edittext edt_Gvalue "G:"  fieldwidth:120 align:#center
       	edittext edt_Bvalue "B:"  fieldwidth:120 align:#right
       	fn convertKelvin2RGB =
            	theColorArray = #()
            	theKelvinArray = #()
            	local theColorScale = spn_scale.value
            	local currentValue = spn_fromKelvin.value
            	local increment = (spn_toKelvin.value-spn_fromKelvin.value)/599.0
            	for k = 1 to 600 do
                 	append theColorArray (ConvertKelvinToRGB currentValue theColorScale)
                 	append theKelvinArray currentValue
                 	currentValue+= increment
            	setPixels theGradient2 [0,0] theColorArray
            	copy theGradient2 theGradient
            	bmp_gradient.bitmap = theGradient
       	on spn_fromKelvin changed val do
            	if val > spn_toKelvin.value do spn_toKelvin.value = val
       	on spn_toKelvin changed val do
            	if val < spn_fromKelvin.value do spn_fromKelvin.value = val
       	on prg_scale clicked val do
            	if val < 1 do val = 1
            	prg_scale.value = val
            	spn_scale.changed (spn_scale.value = val/100.0)
       	on btn_fromPreset1 pressed do ( spn_fromKelvin.changed (spn_fromKelvin.value = 100))
       	on btn_fromPreset2 pressed do ( spn_fromKelvin.changed (spn_fromKelvin.value = 1000))
       	on btn_fromPreset3 pressed do ( spn_fromKelvin.changed (spn_fromKelvin.value = 1500))
       	on btn_fromPreset4 pressed do ( spn_fromKelvin.changed (spn_fromKelvin.value = 2500))
       	on btn_fromPreset5 pressed do ( spn_fromKelvin.changed (spn_fromKelvin.value = 5000))
       	on btn_fromPreset6 pressed do ( spn_fromKelvin.changed (spn_fromKelvin.value = 6500))
       	on btn_fromPreset7 pressed do ( spn_fromKelvin.changed (spn_fromKelvin.value = 10000))
       	on btn_toPreset1 pressed do ( spn_toKelvin.changed (spn_toKelvin.value = 100))
       	on btn_toPreset2 pressed do ( spn_toKelvin.changed (spn_toKelvin.value = 1000))
       	on btn_toPreset3 pressed do ( spn_toKelvin.changed (spn_toKelvin.value = 1500))
       	on btn_toPreset4 pressed do ( spn_toKelvin.changed (spn_toKelvin.value = 2500))
       	on btn_toPreset5 pressed do ( spn_toKelvin.changed (spn_toKelvin.value = 5000))
       	on btn_toPreset6 pressed do ( spn_toKelvin.changed (spn_toKelvin.value = 6500))
       	on btn_toPreset7 pressed do ( spn_toKelvin.changed (spn_toKelvin.value = 10000))
       	on spn_scale changed val do
            	prg_scale.value = val*100.0
       	on Kelvin2RGBExplorerRollout mousemove pos do
            	if pos.x >= bmp_gradient.pos.x and pos.x <= bmp_gradient.pos.x+601 and pos.y >= bmp_gradient.pos.y and pos.y <= bmp_gradient.pos.y+50 do
                 	theSample = pos.x-10
                 	if theSample < 1 do theSample = 1
                 	if theSample > 600 do theSample = 600
                 	edt_Kvalue.text = theKelvinArray[theSample] as string
                 	edt_Rvalue.text = theColorArray[theSample].r as string
                 	edt_Gvalue.text = theColorArray[theSample].g as string
                 	edt_Bvalue.text = theColorArray[theSample].b as string
       	on Kelvin2RGBExplorerRollout open do convertKelvin2RGB()
 	createDialog Kelvin2RGBExplorerRollout 620 160

This script produces a rollout that looks like this: