Lens_Effects : RenderEffect

Lens_Effects - superclass: renderEffect; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(1347096675, 1339450746) 

Value > MAXWrapper > RenderEffect > Lens_Effects



Atmospheric and Render Effects - Quick Navigation


lens_effects ... 


<Lens_Effects>.size Float default: 100.0 -- animatable 

Get/set the size of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.intensityFloat default: 100.0 -- animatable 

Get/set the intensity of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.seed Integer default: 1357 

Get/set the random seed of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.angle Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

Get/set the angle of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.squeeze Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

Get/set the squeeze value of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.affectAlpha Boolean default: true -- alias: Affect_Alpha 

Get/set whether the lens effect will affect the Alpha channel.


<Lens_Effects>.affectZBuffer Boolean default: false -- alias: Affect_Z_Buffer 

Get/set whether the lens effect will affect the Z-Buffer channel.


<Lens_Effects>.distAffectsSize Boolean default: false -- alias: Distance_Affects_Size 

Get/set whether the distance will affect the Size of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.distAffectsIntensity Boolean default: false -- alias: Distance_Affects_Intensity 

Get/set whether the distance will affect the Intensity of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.centerAffectsSize Boolean default: false -- alias: Off_Center_Affects_Size 

Get/set whether the location of the lens effect relatively to the center of the image will affect the Size of the effect.


<Lens_Effects>.centerAffectsIntensity Boolean default: false -- alias: Off_Center_Affects_Intensity 

Get/set whether the location of the lens effect relatively to the center of the image will affect the Intensity of the effect.


<Lens_Effects>.innerOcclusionRadius Float default: 3.0 -- animatable, alias: Inner_Occlusion_Radius 

Get/set the inner occlusion radius of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.outerOcclusionRadius Float default: 33.0 -- animatable, alias: Outer_Occlusion_Radius 

Get/set the outer occlusion radius of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.occlusionAffectsSize Boolean default: true -- alias: Occlusion_Affects_Size 

Get/set whether the occlusion will affect the size of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.occlusionAffectsIntensity Boolean default: true -- alias: Occlusion_Affects_Intensity 

Get/set whether the occlusion will affect the intensity of the lens effect.


<Lens_Effects>.affectByAtmosphere Boolean default: false -- alias: Affect_By_Atmosphere 

Get/set whether the lens effect will be affected by atmospheric effects.


The following methods add elements to a Lens Effects, load and save a Lens Effects configuration file, add and delete lights, and delete Lens Effects elements.


le.addASec <Lens_Effects> 

Adds a Auto Secondary element to the Lens Effect. The element is appended to any elements present. Returns true if the addition was successful, false if it failed.


le.addGlow <Lens_Effects> 

Adds a Glow element to the Lens Effect. The element is appended to any elements present. Returns true if the addition was successful, false if it failed.


le.addMSec <Lens_Effects> 

Adds a Manual Secondary element to the Lens Effect. The element is appended to any elements present. Returns true if the addition was successful, false if it failed.


le.addRay <Lens_Effects> 

Adds a Ray element to the Lens Effect. The element is appended to any elements present. Returns true if the addition was successful, false if it failed.


le.addRing <Lens_Effects> 

Adds a Ring element to the Lens Effect. The element is appended to any elements present. Returns true if the addition was successful, false if it failed.


le.addStar <Lens_Effects> 

Adds a Star element to the Lens Effect. The element is appended to any elements present. Returns true if the addition was successful, false if it failed.


le.addStreak <Lens_Effects> 

Adds a Streak element to the Lens Effect. The element is appended to any elements present. Returns true if the addition was successful, false if it failed.


le.load <Lens_Effects> <filename_string> 


le.save <Lens_Effects> <filename_string> 

Saves the Lens Effects configuration to the file specified by <filename_string> . Animated parameter values are not saved.


le.numLights <Lens_Effects> 

Returns the number of lights in the light list.


le.addLightNode <Lens_Effects> <light_node> 

Adds light node to the light list.


le.addLight <Lens_Effects> <light_node_name_string> 

Adds the specified light to the Lens Effects Lights dropdown. light_node_name_string is the name of the light as a string, and must match the case of the light’s name. Returns true if the addition was successful, false if it failed. The normal reason for a failure is that the named light is not present in the scene.


le.deleteLight <Lens_Effects> <index_integer> 

Deletes the indexed light from the Lens Effects Lights dropdown, where <index_integer> is the index of the light in the Lens Effects Lights dropdown. Returns true if the deletion was successful, false if it failed. The normal reason for a failure is that the indexed light is not present in the dropdown.


le.deleteLightByName <light_node_name_string> 

Deletes the named light from the Lens Effects Lights dropdown. light_node_name_string is the name of the light as a string, and must match the case of the light’s name. Returns true if the deletion was successful, false if it failed. The normal reason for a failure is that the named light is not present in the dropdown.


le.lightIndex <Lens_Effects> <light_node_name_string> 

Returns the light list index of the named light. Returns -1 if the light’s name is not in the light list.


le.lightName <Lens_Effects> <index> 

Returns the node name of the light for the specified light list index. If the index is out of range, a null string will be returned.


le.deleteElement <Lens_Effects> <index_integer> 

Deletes the indexed element, where <index_integer> is the index of the element in the Lens Effects composition window. Returns true if the deletion was successful, false if it failed. The normal reason for a failure is that the indexed element does not exist.


le.deleteElementByName <element_name_string> 

Deletes the named element. element_name_string is the name of the element as a string, and must match the case of the element’s name. Returns true if the deletion was successful, false if it failed. The normal reason for a failure is that the named element does not exist.

See Also