Physical_Material : Material

Physical_Material - superclass: material; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 115:1 - classID: #(1030429932L, 3735928833L)


NEW in 3ds Max 2017: Implements a General physical material that can be used both with the ART_Renderer and all other rendering engines shipping with 3ds Max.






<Physical_Material>.material_mode     Integer    default: 0   --  integer

Possible values are:

0 - Standard (default)

1 - Advanced


Coating Parameters Rollout

Clear Coat Group Of Controls

<Physical_Material>.coating     Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float; Coating_Weight

Get/set the Weight of the Coating.


<Physical_Material>.coat_color     Color    default: (color 255 255 255)   --  animatable; fRGBA color; Coating_Color; Controller Scaling: ([1,1,1,1] : (color 255 255 255))

Get/set the Color of the Coating.


<Physical_Material>.coat_roughness     Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float; Coating_Rougness

Get/set the Roughness of the Coating.


<Physical_Material>.coat_roughness_inv     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean; Invert_Coating_Roughness

Get/set the state of the Invert Coating Roughness checkbutton.


<Physical_Material>.coat_ior     Float    default: 1.52   --  animatable; float; Coating_IOR

Get/set the Index Of Refraction of the Coating.


Affect Underlying Group Of Controls

<Physical_Material>.coat_affect_color     Float    default: 0.5   --  animatable; float; Coating_Affect_Color

Get/set the value controlling how much the Coating affects the Color of the underlying materials by making the color darker and more saturated.


<Physical_Material>.coat_affect_roughness    Float    default: 0.5   --  animatable; float; Coating_Affect_Rougness

Get/set the value controlling how much the Coating affects the Roughness of the underlying materials.


Basic Parameters Rollout

Basic Color Group Of Controls (Advanced Mode)

<Physical_Material>.base_weight     Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the Weight of the Base Color.


<Physical_Material>.Base_Color     Color    default: (color 127.5 127.5 127.5)   --  animatable; fRGBA color; Controller Scaling: ([1,1,1,1] : (color 255 255 255))

Get/set the Base Color value.

For non-metals, it can be considered the Diffuse color.

For metals, it is the color of the metal itself.


<Physical_Material>.diff_roughness     Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float; Diffuse_Roughness

Get/set the Diffuse Roughness value (using the Oren/Nayar diffuse model).

Not used for metals.


Reflections Group Of Controls (Advanced Mode)

<Physical_Material>.Reflectivity     Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the Reflectivity value.

Should be left at 1.0 for realistic results.

It has no effect on metals which always reflect.


<Physical_Material>.refl_color     Color    default: (color 255 255 255)   --  animatable; fRGBA color; Reflection_Color; Controller Scaling: ([1,1,1,1] : (color 255 255 255))

Get/set the Reflection Color value.

Should be left at white for realistic results.


<Physical_Material>.roughness     Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the Roughness value.

The higher the roughness, the blurrier the material.

Lower roughness produces a more mirror-like material.


<Physical_Material>.roughness_inv    BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean; Invert_Rougness

Get/set the Invert Roughness checkbox.

When checked, the .roughness value will be inverted so that higher values produce less roughness, and vice-versa.


<Physical_Material>.metalness     Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the Metalness value.

It mixes two shading modes.

At 0, a non-metal diffuse model is used where the Base Color is taken as the diffuse color, with reflections added on top, with sub-surface scattering and transparency.

At 1, a solely reflective metallic surface is rendered, reflecting the Base Color for facing angles, and the Reflection color (typically white) at the edges.


<Physical_Material>.trans_ior    Float    default: 1.52   --  animatable; float; Index_of_Refraction

Get/set the Index Of Refraction (IOR) value.

It defines both how much rays bend when entering the medium, and also the angular dependency of the reflectivity when set to Fresnel mode (the default).


Transparency Group Of Controls

<Physical_Material>.Transparency     Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the Transparency value.


<Physical_Material>.trans_color     Color    default: (color 255 255 255)   --  animatable; fRGBA color; Transparency_Color; Controller Scaling: ([1,1,1,1] : (color 255 255 255))

Get/set the Transparency color.


<Physical_Material>.trans_roughness_lock     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Lock_Transparency_Roughness

Get/set the state of the Transparency Roughness lock checkbutton.

When checked (default), the Transparency Roughness will be locked to the Roughness of Reflections.

When unchecked, the Transparency Roughness can be set independently.


<Physical_Material>.trans_roughness    Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float; Transparency_Roughness

Get/set the Transparency Roughness.

Used only when the .trans_roughness_lock property is set to False.


<Physical_Material>.trans_roughness_inv     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean; Invert_Transparency_Roughness

Get/set the state of the Invert Transparency Roughness checkbox.

Used only when the .trans_roughness_lock property is set to False.


<Physical_Material>.trans_depth    Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float; Transparency_Depth

Get/set the Transparency Depth value.

When set to 0.0 (default), the Transparency is computed at the surface.

When not 0.0, the Transparency Color is applied as an Absorption, and the Depth value defines the depth at which the Absorption reaches the specified Transparency Color.


<Physical_Material>.thin_walled     BooleanClass    default: false   --  Boolean

Get/set the state of the Thin-Walled checkbox.

When set to False (default), the object is considered solid, and contains volume of material that supports transparency depth and sub-surface scattering.

When set to True, the object is considered to be made of an infinitely thin transparent shell (like a soap bubble), and there is no refraction, Transparency Depth is disabled, and sub-surface scattering is replaced by Translucency.


Sub-Surface Scattering Group Of Controls

<Physical_Material>.scattering    Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the weight of the Sub-Surface Scattering / Translucency.


<Physical_Material>.sss_color    Color    default: (color 255 255 255)   --  animatable; fRGBA color; Controller Scaling: ([1,1,1,1] : (color 255 255 255))

Get/set the color of the Sub-Surface Scattering / Translucency.


<PhysicalMaterial>.sss_scatter_color     Color    default: (color 255 127.5 63.75)   --  animatable; fRGBA color; Controller Scaling: ([1,1,1,1] : (color 255 255 255))

Defines the color of the interior of the medium where the light is scattered in.

Technically, it is the red, green and blue ratios of the "mean free path" of scattering.


<Physical_Material>.sss_depth     Float    default: 10.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the amount of spread of light in the material ("mean free path" of the scattering).


<Physical_Material>.sss_scale     Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the scale of the depth.

Used mainly for adjust the Depth via a bitmap with values in the range from 0.0 and 1.0.

See also the .sss_scale_map property.


Emission Group Of Controls

<Physical_Material>.emission     Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the amount of the Emission (Self-Illumination).


<Physical_Material>.emit_color   Color    default: (color 255 255 255)   --  animatable; fRGBA color; Emission_Color; Controller Scaling: ([1,1,1,1] : (color 255 255 255))

Get/set the Emission Color (Self-Illumination Color).

Also affected by the color temperature.


<Physical_Material>.emit_luminance    Float    default: 1500.0   --  animatable; float; Luminance

Get/set the luminance of the surface in cd/m2 ("nits").


<Physical_Material>.emit_kelvin     Float    default: 6500.0   --  animatable; float; Kelvin_Degrees

Get/set the Kelvin temperature of the Emission.

Also affected by the Emission Color.


<Physical_Material>.EffectiveLuminance     Color    default: (color 801.106 801.106 801.106)   --  color by value;

Not exposed to the UI.


Returns the effective illuminance, taking into account all Emission properties.

Exposed by the Helpers MininInterface.


Advanced Reflectance Parameters Rollout (Advanced Mode)

<Physical_Material>.brdf_mode     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the radio buttons controlling the BRDF Reflectance mode.

Possible values are:

True - By IOR (default) - uses the Fresnel effect based on the IOR value (most physically plausible mode)

False - Custom Curve


<Physical_Material>.brdf_low   Float    default: 0.05   --  animatable; float

Get/set the value of the "Facing" spinner.

Controls the low value of the curve.

Used only when in Custom Curve mode.


<Physical_Material>.brdf_high     Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the value of the "Edge" spinner.

Controls the high value of the curve.

Used only when in Custom Curve mode.


<Physical_Material>.brdf_curve    Float    default: 5.0   --  animatable; float; Brdf_Exponent

Get/set the value of the "Slope" spinner.

Controls the Exponent of the curve.

Used only when in Custom Curve mode.


Anisotropy Rollout

<Physical_Material>.anisotropy   Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the value of the "Anisotropy" spinner.


<Physical_Material>.anisoangle     Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; float; Anisotropy_Angle

Get/set the value of the "Rotation" spinner.


<Physical_Material>.aniso_mode     Integer    default: 0   --  integer; Anisotropy_Mode

Get/set the state of the Anisotropy Mode radio buttons.

Possible vaues are:

0 - Auto (default)

1 - Map Channel


<Physical_Material>.aniso_channel     Integer    default: 0   --  integer; Anisotropy_Channel

Get/set the value of the "Map Channel" spinner.

Used only when the .aniso_mode is set to 1.


Special Maps Rollout

<Physical_Material>.bump_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "Bump Map" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.bump_map_amt     Float    default: 0.3   --  animatable; float; Bump_Map_Amount

Get/set the value of the "Bump Map" spinner.


<Physical_Material>.bump_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap

Get/set the texture map of the "Bump Map" map button.


<Physical_Material>.coat_bump_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Coating_Bump_Map_On

Get/set the state of the "Coating Bump Map" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.clearcoat_bump_map_amt     Float    default: 0.3   --  animatable; float; Coating_Bump_Map_Amount

Get/set the value of the "Coating Bump Map" spinner.


<Physical_Material>.coat_bump_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Coating_Bump_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Coating Bump Map" map button.


<Physical_Material>.displacement_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Displacement_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Displacement" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.displacement_map_amt     Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; float; Displacement_Map_Amount

Get/set the value of the "Displacement" spinner.


<Physical_Material>.displacement_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap

Get/set the texture map of the "Displacement" map button.


<Physical_Material>.cutout_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Cutout_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Cutout" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.cutout_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap

Get/set the texture map of the "Cutout" map button.


Generic Maps Rollout

<Physical_Material>.base_weight_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Base_Weight_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Base Weight" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.base_weight_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM0     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Base_Weight_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Base Weight" map button.


<Physical_Material>.base_color_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Base_Color_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Base Color" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.base_color_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM1     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Base_Color_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Base Color" map button.


<Physical_Material>.reflectivity_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Reflectivity_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Reflection Weight" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.reflectivity_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM2     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Reflectivity_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Reflection Weight" map button.


<Physical_Material>.refl_color_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Refl_Color_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Reflection Color" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.refl_color_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM3     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Refl_Color_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Reflection Color" map button.


<Physical_Material>.roughness_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Roughness_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Roughness" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.roughness_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM4     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Roughness_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Roughness" map button.


<Physical_Material>.metalness_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Metalness_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Metalness" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.metalness_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM5     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Metalness_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Metalness" map button.


<Physical_Material>.diff_rough_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Diffuse_Roughness_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Diffuse Roughness" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.diff_rough_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Diffuse_Roughness_Map
<Physical_Material>.mapM6     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Diffuse_Roughness_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Diffuse Roughness" map button.


<Physical_Material>.anisotropy_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Anisotropy_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Anisotropy" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.anisotropy_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM7     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Anisotropy_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Anisotropy" map button.


<Physical_Material>.aniso_angle_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Anisotropy_Angle_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Anisotropy Angle" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.aniso_angle_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Anisotropy_Angle_Map
<Physical_Material>.mapM8     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Anisotropy_Angle_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Anisotropy Angle" map button.


<Physical_Material>.transparency_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Transparency_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Transparency Weight" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.transparency_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM9     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Transparency_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Transparency Weight" map button.


<Physical_Material>.trans_color_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Transparency_Color_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Transparency Color" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.trans_color_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Transparency_Color_Map
<Physical_Material>.mapM10     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Transparency_Color_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Transparency Color" map button.


<Physical_Material>.trans_rough_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Transparency_Rougness_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Transparency Roughness" checkbox.


Physical_Material>.trans_rough_map    UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Transparency_Rougness_Map
<Physical_Material>.mapM11     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Transparency_Rougness_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Transparency Roughness" map button.


<Physical_Material>.trans_ior_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; IOR_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "IOR" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.trans_ior_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; IOR_Map
<Physical_Material>.mapM12     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; IOR_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "IOR" map button.


<Physical_Material>.scattering_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Scattering_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Scattering Weight" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.scattering_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM13    UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Scattering_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Scattering Weight" map button.


<Physical_Material>.sss_color_map_on    BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; SSS_Color_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Scattering Color" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.sss_color_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM14     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; SSS_Color_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Scattering Color" map button.


<Physical_Material>.sss_scale_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; SSS_Scale_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Scattering Scale" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.sss_scale_map    UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM15     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; SSS_Scale_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Scattering Scale" map button.


<Physical_Material>.emission_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Emission_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Emission Weight" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.emission_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap
<Physical_Material>.mapM16     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Emission_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Emission Weight" map button.


<Physical_Material>.emit_color_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Emission_Color_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Emission Color" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.emit_color_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Emission_Color_Map
<Physical_Material>.mapM17     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Emission_Color_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Emission Color" map button.


<Physical_Material>.coat_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Coating_Weight_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Coating Weight" checkbox.

<Physical_Material>.coat_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Coating_Weight_Map
<Physical_Material>.mapM18     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Coating_Weight_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Coating Weight" map button.


<Physical_Material>.coat_color_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Coating_Color_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Coating Color" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.coat_color_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Coating_Color_Map
<Physical_Material>.mapM19     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Coating_Color_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Coating Color" map button.


<Physical_Material>.coat_rough_map_on     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Coating_Roughness_Map_Enabled

Get/set the state of the "Coating Roughness" checkbox.


<Physical_Material>.coat_rough_map     UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Coating_Roughness_Map
<Physical_Material>.mapM20    UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap; Coating_Roughness_Map

Get/set the texture map of the "Coating Roughness" map button.

Physical_Material interfaces:

Interface: IMtlRender_Compability_MtlBase







Interface: Helpers


.EffectiveLuminance : color by value : Read

See description earlier on this page in the "Emission Group Of Controls" section.



