Alembic_Export : ExporterPlugin

Exposes the Alembic Exporter plugin to MAXScript. Available in 3ds Max 2016 and higher.


Class instances not creatable by MAXScript.



Alembic_Export interfaces:

Interface: AlembicExport


 AlembicExport.CoordinateSystem : enum : Read|Write
CoordinateSystem enums: {#Max|#Maya}

Sets the coordinate system of the exported Alembic file.

Possible values are:

 AlembicExport.ArchiveType : enum : Read|Write
ArchiveType enums: {#HDF5|#Ogawa}

Sets the archive type of the exported Alembic file.

Possible values are:


No methods exposed.


No actions exposed.


resetMaxFile #noprompt --reset the scene
c = cone() --create a Cone primitive
b = bend() --create a Bend modifier
addModifier c b --add the Bend to the Cone
with animate on (--enable animation
  at time 100 ( --and set on frame 100
    b.angle = 90 --the Bend Angle to 90
    c.pos = [10,20,30] --and move the Cone
  )--end time context
)--end animate on context
AlembicExport.ArchiveType = #hdf5 --force the old file format
AlembicExport.CoordinateSystem = #max --force Z up coordinates
--Export the file without opening the dialog
--The explicit using: argument is not necessary as the export plugin 
--needed will be resolved automatically based on the file extension:
exportFile (GetDir #export +"\\") #noPrompt using:AlembicExport

AlembicExport.ArchiveType = #ogawa --force the new file format
AlembicExport.CoordinateSystem = #maya --force Y up coordinates
--Export the file without opening the dialog
--This time we will ommit the explicit using: argument:
exportFile (GetDir #export +"\\") #noPrompt

--RESULT: We now have two files, one using Max Z up and HDF5 storage, 
--and one using Maya Y up and the newer Ogawa storage.

--See the AlembicImport:ImporterPlugin topic for an example
--of importing these files back into 3ds Max.

See Also