MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap : textureMap
MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap - superclass: textureMap; super-superclass:material - 3:1 - classID: #(-1989217540, 1153266751)
Available in 3ds Max 2011 and higher.This texture map is used to switch the output of a MetaSL shader that provides more
than one output.
<MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap>.numInputs Integer default: 1 -- integer;
Contains the number of Inputs found in the sourceMap.
<MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap>.outputChannelIndex Integer default: 1 -- integer; Output_Channel_Index
Gets/Sets the Output Channel index.
<MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap>.sourceMap UndefinedClass default: undefined -- texturemap; Source_Map
Gets/Sets the Source Map.
MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap interfaces:
.numInputs : integer : Read
Contains the number of Inputs found in the sourceMap.
<bool>SetOutputToInput <index>input_index <maxObject>output_rtarg <index>output_index
Sets the Output with index specified by the third argument of the shader specified
with the second argument to the input specified with the first argument.
<maxObject>GetOutputRefTargetFromInput <index>input_index
Returns the Reference Target of the indexed input.
<index>GetOutputIndexFromInput <index>input_index
Returns the Output Index of the indexed input.
<bool>CanAssignOutputToInput <index>input_index <maxObject>output_rtarg <index>output_index
Returns true if setting the input specified by the first argument to the output with
index specified by the third argument of the shader provided by the second argument
is possible, false otherwise.
<String by value>GetInputName <index>input_index
Returns the name of the indexed input.
<String by value>GetInputLocalizedName <index>input_index
Returns the localized name of the indexed input.
Here is an example of using this shader in conjunction with a multi-output MetaSL
c=Illumination_Phong() --create an instance of a MetaSL shader
--> Illumination_Phong:Illumination Phong
showinterfaces c --show the interfaces of the MetaSL shader
--> Interface: IMtlRender_Compability_MtlBase
--> Properties:
--> Methods:
--> Actions:
--> Interface: IMaterialBrowseEntryInfoInterface
--> Properties:
--> Methods:
--> Actions:
--> Interface: iMultipleOutputChannels
--> Properties:
--> .numIMultipleOutputChannels : integer : Read
--> Methods:
--> <TSTR by value>getIMultipleOutputChannelLocalizedName <index>index
--> getIMultipleOutputChannelLocalizedName - no automatic redraw after invoked
--> <TSTR by value>getIMultipleOutputChannelName <index>index
--> getIMultipleOutputChannelName - no automatic redraw after invoked
--> Actions:
--> Interface: iMultiOutputConsumer
--> Properties:
--> .numInputs : integer : Read
--> Methods:
--> <bool>SetOutputToInput <index>input_index <maxObject>output_rtarg <index>output_index
--> <maxObject>GetOutputRefTargetFromInput <index>input_index
--> <index>GetOutputIndexFromInput <index>input_index
--> <bool>CanAssignOutputToInput <index>input_index <maxObject>output_rtarg <index>output_index
--> <TSTR by value>GetInputName <index>input_index
--> GetInputName - no automatic redraw after invoked
--> <TSTR by value>GetInputLocalizedName <index>input_index
--> GetInputLocalizedName - no automatic redraw after invoked
--> Actions:
--> OK
getpropnames c
--> #(#Illumination_phong_Phen, #diffuse_color, #diffuse_scalar, #specular_color, #specular_scalar, #specular_shininess, #normalPhen, #Connection_struct__0000__Illumination_phong_Phen, #diffuse_color_connected, #diffuse_color_shader, #diffuse_color_paramName, #diffuse_scalar_connected, #diffuse_scalar_shader, #diffuse_scalar_paramName, #specular_color_connected, #specular_color_shader, #specular_color_paramName, #specular_scalar_connected, #specular_scalar_shader, #specular_scalar_paramName, ...)
--Get the number of output channels of the MetaSL shader:
n_outputs = c.numIMultipleOutputChannels
--> 4
--Print the localized and internal names of the output channels of
--the MetaSL shader :
for i = 1 to n_outputs do format "% : %\n" \
(c.getIMultipleOutputChannelLocalizedName i) \
(c.getIMultipleOutputChannelName i)
--> result : result
--> sum : sum
--> diffuse : diffuse
--> specular : specular
--> OK
--Get the number of inputs of the MetaSL shader:
n_inputs = c.numInputs
--> 6
--Print the localized and internal input names of the MetaSL shader:
for i = 1 to n_inputs do
format "% : %\n" (c.GetInputLocalizedName i) (c.GetInputName i)
--> Diffuse Color : Diffuse Color
--> Diffuse Float : Diffuse Float
--> Specular Color : Specular Color
--> Specular Float : Specular Float
--> Specular Shininess : Specular Shininess
--> Normal : Normal
--> OK
--Create an instance of the MultiOuputChannelTexmapToTexmap shader,
--using the MetaSL shader as source and set the index of the output
--channel to 1:
mo = MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap sourceMap:c outputChannelIndex:1
--> MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap:MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap
--Check the property names of the new shader:
getpropnames mo
--> #(#sourceMap, #outputChannelIndex, #numInputs)
--If the source map and index are not specified in the constructor as
--we did above, they can be assigned to the respective properties:
mo.sourcemap = c
--> Illumination_Phong:Illumination Phong
mo.outputChannelIndex = 1
--> 1
--Get the number of the inputs of the new shader:
n_inputs = mo.numInputs
--> 1
--Print the inputs' localized and internal name, and index:
for i = 1 to n_inputs do
format "% : % : % : %\n" (c.GetInputLocalizedName i) \
(c.GetInputName i) (mo.GetOutputRefTargetFromInput i) \
(mo.GetOutputIndexFromInput i)
--> Diffuse Color : Diffuse Color : Illumination_Phong:Illumination Phong : 1
--> OK
--Create a new standard material with the new map as diffuse map
--and show it in the viewport:
m = standard diffusemap:mo showInViewport:true
--> Standardmaterial:Standard
--Create a teapot with this material assigned and non-real-world UVs:
teapot material:m realWorldMapSize:off
--> $Teapot:Teapot001 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
--Load the shaders into the Material Editor's slots 1,2 and 3:
--> MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap:MultiOutputChannelTexmapToTexmap
--> Illumination_Phong:Illumination Phong
--> Standardmaterial:Standard
--Set output 2 of the MetaSL shader to input 1:
mo.SetOutputToInput 1 c 2
--> true