
The [ in ] coordsys <coordsys_spec> context corresponds to the current reference coordinate system list in the main 3ds Max toolbar.

Prefixing an expression, operation, or block-expression with a coordsys context causes 3D coordinate operations to be interpreted in the specified coordinate system.

Moving, scaling, or rotating objects, or setting transform-related properties within a coordsys context operate in relation to the given coordsys .

Accessing coordinate properties such as position, center, rotation axis, and so on, within a coordsys context causes those values to be delivered relative to the given coordsys .


The following forms are supported:

[in] coordsys world 

Use the world space coordinate system


[in] coordsys local 

Use the object's local coordinate system


[in] coordsys parent 

Use the object's parent's coordinate system


[in] coordsys grid 

Use the active grid’s coordinate system


[in] coordsys screen 

Use the currently active viewport’s coordinate system


[in] coordsys <node> 

Use the specified node's local coordinate system - this is equivalent to the "pick" coordinate system capability in the 3ds Max user interface


[in] coordsys <matrix3> 

Use the coordinate system specified by the given 3D matrix


-- randomly jiggle each object in the selection around +/- 20 units
in coordsys local selection.pos = random [-20,20,20] [20,20,20]
-- rotate objects in parent’s coordinate system
in coordsys parent rotate selection (EulerAngles 0 0 90)