createPreview Method

Prior to 3ds Max 2013, the createPreview() method provided no parameters at all and only triggered the Preview creation using the last settings found in the Make Preview dialog.

In 3ds Max 2013, several keyword arguments were added to provide better control over the Preview making process.

createPreview outputAVI:<bool> percentSize:<int> \
start:<int> end:<int> skip:<int> fps:<int> \
dspGeometry:<bool> dspShapes:<bool> dspLights:<bool> \
dspCameras:<bool> dspHelpers:<bool> dspParticles:<bool> dspBones:<bool> \
dspGrid:<bool> dspSafeFrame:<bool> dspFrameNums:<true> dspBkg:<bool> \
rndLevel:<#smoothhighlights | #smooth | #facethighlights | #facet | #flat | #hiddenline | #litwireframe | #wireframe | #box> 

Creates a preview animation sequence using either the last settings in the Make Preview dialog or the optional arguments, if provided.

outputAvi: When true, outputs to AVI file with the last selected CODEC. When false, outputs to custom file sequence.

percentSize: Defines the Preview output size as percentage of the current renderWidth and renderHeight values.

start: Defines the first frame of the Preview animation.

end: Defines the last frame of the Preview animation.

skip: Defines the Every Nth frame step of the Preview animation. Corresponds to the "Every Nth Frame" value in the Make Preview Dialog.

fps: Defines the Frame Rate of the Preview animation.

dspGeometry: Controls the display of Geometry objects in the Preview animation (except those handled by other flags like Particles and Bones).

dspShapes: Controls the display of Shape objects in the Preview animation.

dspLights: Controls the display of Light objects in the Preview animation. This applies to the viewport visibility of the light objects, not to their illumination - they will illuminate the scene even if hidden.

dspCameras: Controls the display of Camera objects in the Preview animation.

dspHelpers: Controls the display of Helper objects in the Preview animation.

dspParticles: Controls the display of Particle objects in the Preview animation.

dspBones: Controls the display of Bone objects in the Preview animation.

dspGrid: Controls the display of Home of Custom Grid in the Preview animation.

dspSafeFrame: Controls the display of Safe Frames in the Preview animation.

dspFrameNums: Controls the display of Frame Number counter in the Preview animation.

dspBkg: Controls the display of the Viewport Background in the Preview animation.

rndLevel: Controls the render level when using the Direct3D Driver. When using Nitrous, the current Nitrous settings accessible through NitrousGraphicsManager.GetActiveViewportSetting() are used.