cui.RegisterDialogBar and cui.UnRegisterDialogBar



Creating User Interfaces - Quick Navigation

cui.RegisterDialogBar <RolloutFloater_or_Rollout> \ 
[minSize:<Point2>] [maxSize:<Point2>] \
[parent:<HWND>] \

This method registers a MAXScript window (either a Rollout Floater or a Rollout) as a dockable CUI window in 3ds Max.



This parameter must be a RolloutFloater created with NewRolloutFloater or a Rollout that has been installed in a dialog using CreateDialog.


[minSize:<Point2>] -- default: size of the floater or dialog that was passed. 

Minimum size the dialog bar can be.


[maxSize:<Point2>] -- default: size of the floater or dialog that was passed. 

Maximum size that the dialog bar can be. Values of -1 passed mean that the dialog bar can size and stretch.


[parent:<HWND>] -- default: 3dsMax Window Handle. 

Parents the dialog bar to the specified window.


[style:<Array>] -- default:#(#cui_dock_all, #cui_floatable, #cui_handles) 

Array of style flags, can be one or more of the following:


Dialog bar can dock on all 4 edges of the frame.


Can dock horizontally (top and bottom)


Can dock vertically (left and right)


Can dock to the left


Can dock to the top


Can dock to the right


Can dock to the bottom


Dialogbar can float


Show gripper handles when docked


When this flag is specified, docking the dialogbar on the top causes the dialogbar to expand to the full window width, docked to bottom it expands to full window width minus command panel width.


A rollout that has been registered as a dialog bar cannot be destroyed using destroyDialog , or moved using setDialogPos . The rollout must be unregistered first.

A rollout floater that has bee registered as a dialog bar cannot be closed using closeRolloutFloater , its position cannot be changed using the rollout floater's pos property, its size cannot changed with the rollout floater's size property. The rollout floater must be unregistered first.

A new read-only property has been added to the Rollout and RolloutFloater classes: dialogBar . This property will return true if the rollout or rollout floater has been registered using this method:


cui.UnRegisterDialogBar <RolloutFloater_or_Rollout> 

This method un-registers a dockable MAXScript window.



This parameter must be a RolloutFloater created with NewRolloutFloater or a Rollout that has been installed in a dialog using CreateDialog, and has been registered using cui.RegisterDialogBar .


See Also