Scalar - superclass: ReferenceTarget; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 30:0 - classID: #(1137313546, 554188032)
The Scalar Particle Data View sub-operator generates data of a scalar type: integer, real, time and boolean.
Available in 3ds Max 2014 and higher.
<Scalar>.Output_Type Integer default: 4 -- integer
<Scalar>.Angle_Value Float default: 90.0 -- animatable; angle; Controller Scaling: (1 : 57.2958); WeirdScaled (1.0)
Get/set the value of the "Value" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 6 - Angle.
<Scalar>.Boolean_Value Integer default: 1 -- animatable; radiobtnIndex
Get/set the state of the radio buttons used when .Output_Type is set to 0 - Boolean.
<Scalar>.Float_Value Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Get/set the value of the "Value" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 2 - Float.
<Scalar>.Integer_Value Integer default: 1 -- animatable; integer
Get/set the value of the "Value" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 1- Integer.
<Scalar>.Percent_Value Float default: 100.0 -- animatable; percent; Controller Scaling: (1 : 100.0); WeirdScaled (1.0)
Get/set the value of the "Value" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 5 - Percent.
<Scalar>.Time_Value Integer default: 4800 -- animatable; integer
Get/set the value of the "Value" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 3- Time.
<Scalar>.World_Value Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; worldUnits
Get/set the value of the "Value" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 4- World Unit.
<Scalar>.Use_E1 BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
<Scalar>.Angle_Variation Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; angle; Controller Scaling: (1 : 57.2958); WeirdScaled (1.0)
Get/set the value of the "Variation" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 6 - Angle.
<Scalar>.Float_Variation Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
Get/set the value of the "Variation" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 2 - Float.
<Scalar>.Integer_Variation Integer default: 0 -- animatable; integer
Get/set the value of the "Variation" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 1- Integer.
<Scalar>.Percent_Variation Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; percent; Controller Scaling: (1 : 100.0); WeirdScaled (1.0)
Get/set the value of the "Variation" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 5 - Percent.
<Scalar>.Time_Variation Integer default: 0 -- animatable; integer
Get/set the value of the "Variation" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 3- Time.
<Scalar>.World_Variation Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; worldUnits
Get/set the value of the "Variation" spinner used when .Output_Type is set to 4- World Unit.
<Scalar>.Use_E2 BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
<Scalar>.Use_As_Acceleration BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Use As Acceleration Value" checkbutton.
<Scalar>.Use_As_Speed_Or_Spin_Rate BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Use As Speed Value" checkbutton.
<Scalar>.Units_Per_Type Integer default: 2 -- integer
Get/set the selection of the "Units Per" drop-down list.
<Scalar>.Use_For_Time_Related_Addition BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Addition" checkbox.
<Scalar>.Use_For_Time_Related_Multiplication BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
<Scalar>.Sync_Type Integer default: 0 -- animatable; integer
Get/set the selection of the "Parameters Animation Sync" drop-down list.
<Scalar>.Use_E3 BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
<Scalar>.Random_Seed Integer default: 68940 -- animatable; integer
Get/set the value of the "Speed" spinner.
<Scalar>.Use_E4 BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
<Scalar>.Input_1 UndefinedClass default: undefined -- maxObject
<Scalar>.Input_2 UndefinedClass default: undefined -- maxObject
<Scalar>.Input_3 UndefinedClass default: undefined -- maxObject
<Scalar>.Input_4 UndefinedClass default: undefined -- maxObject
Get/set the sub-operators connected to the corresponding Input sockets of the Scalar sub-operator.
<Scalar>.Filter UndefinedClass default: undefined -- maxObject
Get/set the sub-operator connected to the Filter socket of the Scalar sub-operator.
The following common interface is exposed by the Scalar Particle Data View sub-operator: