ColorMap : textureMap

ColorMap - superclass: textureMap; super-superclass:material - 6:0 - classID: #(329196230L, 334932244L)

NEW in 3ds Max 2017: Offers a simple way to pass a solid color into any map slot, allowing for example the instancing of a color value among independent Materials and Maps.






<ColorMap>.solidcolor     Color    default: (color 127.5 127.5 127.5)   --  animatable; fRGBA color; Solid_Color; Controller Scaling: ([1,1,1,1] : (color 255 255 255))

Get/set the color value of the Solid Color swatch.


<ColorMap>.mapEnabled    BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean; Map_Enable

Get/set the state of the map enabled checkbox.


<ColorMap>.map    UndefinedClass    default: undefined   --  texturemap

Get/set the texture map to be used in place of the solid color value.


<ColorMap>.gamma     Float    default: 2.2   --  animatable; float

Get/set the Gamma value.


<ColorMap>.gain     Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; float

Get/set the Gain value.


<ColorMap>.ReverseGamma     BooleanClass    default: true   --  animatable; boolean; Reverse_Gamma

Get/set the state of the Reverse Gamma checkbox.


resetMaxFile #noprompt --reset the scene
--define an array of material classes and their base color map properties:
theMatClasses = #(#(Standardmaterial, #diffuseMap), #(Architectural, #diffuseMap), #(Autodesk_Material, #Generic_Image), #(RaytraceMaterial, #diffuseMap), #(PhysicalMaterial, #base_color_map), #(InkNPaint, #paint_map) )
cm = colorMap() --create a color map instance
for i = 1 to theMatClasses.count do --loop through the list of material classes
    m = theMatClasses[i][1]() --create a material instance
    setProperty m theMatClasses[i][2] cm --set its base color to the color map
    geosphere radius:25 pos:[i*60,0,0] material:m --create a geosphere offset along X
    if theMatClasses[i][1] == InkNPaint do m.paint_map_on = true --if the material is InkNPaint, also enable the Paint Map
    showTextureMap m true --enable the display of the material's maps in the viewport (does not work for InkNPaint)
max zoomext sel all --zoom all

cm.solidcolor = red --set the color of the colorMap to red and render
bmp1 = render()
cm.solidcolor = green --set the color of the colorMap to green and render
bmp2 = render()

--As you can see, we can control the solid color of multiple independent material types
--using an instances colorMap!