Interface: MaxRibbon

Interfaces > Core Interfaces > MaxRibbon



Core Interfaces - Quick Navigation

This Core Interface introduced in 3ds Max 2011 exposes methods to access the appearance of the Ribbon User Interface.


Interface: MaxRibbon 


<void>MaxRibbon.SetRibbonOrientation <enum>orientation 	 

orientation enums: {#Horizontal|#Vertical}   

Sets the Ribbon's orientation to horizontal or vertical.



GetRibbonOrientation enums: {#Horizontal|#Vertical} 

Returns the Ribbon't orientation.


 <void>MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon <boolean>show 

When the argument is true, shows the Ribbon.

When the argument is false, hides the Ribbon.



Returns true if the Ribbon is open, false otherwise.


 <void>MaxRibbon.LoadRibbonConfig <&String>configFile 

configFile is In and Out parameter

Loads the Ribbon Configuration from the specified file.


 <void>MaxRibbon.SaveRibbonConfig <&String>configFile 

configFile is In and Out parameter

Saves the Ribbon Configuration to the specified file.



Resets the Ribbon to its defaults.


 <void>MaxRibbon.SetRibbonDockState <enum>dockState 

dockState enums: {#TopDock|#BottomDock|#LeftDock|#RightDock|#Floating} 

Sets the Ribbon state according to the enum parameter:

#TopDock - docks the Ribbon to the top of the 3ds Max UI, switching to horizontal layout if necessary.

#BottomDock - docks the Ribbon to the bottom of the 3ds Max UI, switching to horizontal layout if necessary.

#LeftDock - docks the Ribbon to the left of the 3ds Max UI, switching to vertical layout if necessary.

#RightDock - docks the Ribbon to the right of the 3ds Max UI, switching to vertical layout if necessary.

#Floating - undocks and floats the Ribbon.



Returns true if the Ribbon is floating, false if it is docked.


MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon true --make sure the Ribbon is visible
--> OK
MaxRibbon.GetRibbonOrientation() --check the orientation
--> #Horizontal
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonOrientation #Vertical --switch to vertical
--> OK
MaxRibbon.GetRibbonOrientation() --make sure it worked
--> #Vertical
MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon false --hide the Ribbon
--> OK
MaxRibbon.IsRibbonOpen() --check if the Ribbon is hidden
--> false
MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon true --unhide the Ribbon
--> OK
MaxRibbon.IsRibbonOpen() --check again, now it is visible
--> true
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonDockState #RightDock --dock to the right side
--> OK
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonOrientation #Horizontal --switch to Horizontal
--> OK
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonDockState #Floating --and float the Ribbon
--> OK
MaxRibbon.IsRibbonFloating() --check if it is Floating
--> true
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonDockState #TopDock --dock the Ribbon to the top
--> OK