Shockwave Flash ActiveX Object Events


ActiveX Controls have been deprecated by Microsoft in the latest versions of the Windows operating system in favor of the DotNet framework and its controls.

While MAXScript still supports ActiveX controls, these have to be installed and registered on the system to be accessible to MAXScript.

As a replacement of ActiveX controls, MAXScript supports DotNet controls in 3ds Max 9 and higher.

The following example might not work unless the used ActiveX control is installed on your system.

Here is a sample script that creates a text object and sets the text to FSCommand event argument value sent by Shockwave Flash objects:


rollout rFlash "Shockwave Flash Object"
local txtObj
fn checkTextObject =
if $text01 == undefined then
txtObj = text text:"" name:"text01"
addModifier txtObj (extrude amount:10)
txtObj.wirecolor = red
rotate txtObj 90 x_axis
else ( txtObj = $text01 )
activeXControl axFlash "{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}" height:200 width:300 align:#left
on axFlash OnReadyStateChange arg1 do format "handler: OnReadyStateChange : %\n" arg1
on axFlash OnProgress arg1 do format "handler: OnProgress : %\n" arg1
on axFlash FSCommand arg1 arg2 do
txtObj.text = arg1 + "+" + arg2
max tool zoomextents all
on rFlash open do
( = "e:\\Movie1.swf" = "e:\\Movie1.swf" -- need to load 2nd time sometimes
flashFloater = newRolloutFloater "Shockwave Flash Object" 350 300 10 10
addRollout rFlash flashFloater

See Also