Muscle_Strand - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 10:10 - classID: #(131020930, 1206916674)
This Helper Object is part of 3ds Max CAT.
Contains the current length of the Muscle Strand.
Contains the current scale of the Muscle Strand.
Get/set the default length of the Muscle Strand.
<Muscle_Strand>.Handles Array default: #($Muscle_Handle:Muscle Strand001M_Start @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:Muscle Strand001M_StartHdl @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:Muscle Strand001M_End @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:Muscle Strand001M_EndHdl @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]) -- node by value array;
Contains an array of Muscle_Handle objects
Get/set the size of the Muscle Handles.
Get/set the state of the visibility option of the Muscle Handles.
Get/set the location of the Muscle Strand within the rig.
Get/set the number of spheres used to approximate the shape of the muscle.
Get/set the state of the squash/stretch option of the Muscle Strand.
Get/set the Squash/Stretch Scale value of the Muscle Strand.
Get/set the location of the Muscle Strand within the rig.
Get/set the handle size of the muscle.
Get/set whether the handles are visible or not.
Contains an array of Muscle_Handle objects
Get/set the number of spheres used to approximate the shape of the muscle.
Contains the current length of the Muscle Strand.
Contains the current scale of the Muscle Strand.
Get/set the state of the squash/stretch option of the Muscle Strand.
Get/set the default length of the Muscle Strand.
Get/set the Squash/Stretch Scale value of the Muscle Strand.
Pastes the settings from the source strand supplied as first argument.
Returns the Sphere readius of the indexed sphere.
Sets the readius of the indexed sphere to the valuesupplied as second argument.
Returns the U Start of the indexed sphere.
SetstheU Startof the indexed sphereto the value supplied as second argument.
Returns theU Endof the indexed sphere.
Sets the U End of the indexed sphere to the value supplied as second argument.