NEW in 3ds Max 2017: The MXSCallstackCaptureEnabled context allows you to better control how the MAXScript call stack is captured, which can aid in debugging. With deep stacks and/or lots of arrays, big structures, etc present in the call stack, doing a stack capture can be an expensive operation. When this context is set, the mxs call stack is not captured if a mxs runtime exception is thrown.
For example:
Instead of:
try (setproperty obj #prop val) catch() -- just eat any errors
You can use:
try with MXSCallstackCaptureEnabled off (setproperty obj #prop val) catch() -- just eat any errors
with MXSCallstackCaptureEnabled off try (setproperty obj #prop val) catch() -- just eat any errors
with MXSCallstackCaptureEnabled off ( try (setproperty obj #prop val) catch() -- just eat any errors )