Global Function Publishing API Functions
The following are global methods for working with the function publishing API:
- RegisterCOREInterface() - This function registers an interface object. Creating Core interfaces is done in
the normal FnPub manner, via public virtual interface headers and implementation interfaces
though the FPInterface constructor as above, but by specifying NULL for the ClassDesc
pointer. The core interfaces published this way are automatically available in the
scripter, with each interface visible as a struct function package of the same name
as the internal name of the interface.
- GetCOREInterface() - This function locates a Core interface object by its unique interface ID.
- NumCOREInterfaces() - This function returns the number of available Core interfaces.
- GetCOREInterface() - This function returns a Core interface object by its index.
- GetCOREInterfaceAt() - This function returns a Core interface object by its index.
- GetInterface() - This function is a global helper function that finds the ID'd interface for the
given plug-in class and superclass ID's and saves client code from having to dig through
the ClassDirectory to find ClassDesc.