Deprecated Types

Each deprecated API uses the doxygen tag \deprecated. Many virtual methods were sealed in 3ds Max 2013 for the Unicode port. Sealing the method prevented any other method from overriding it. These sealed methods were not removed in the last year, and they are not removed this year as well. A few of the build times use the MAX_DEPRECATED macro which results in a build warning.

Class ParamBlockPLCB is Deprecated

The ParamBlockPLCB class is deprecated. This class held pointers to ReferenceTarget even though it is not a ReferenceMaker. This is not recommended so the ParamBlockPLCB class is replaced with the ParamBlockPLCBEx class that holds AnimHandle’s. The new ParamBlockPLCBEx class has methods that help in determining whether the ReferenceTarget is valid.

Typedef Deprecation

Following typedefs are removed because they were duplicated in the Windows SDK: