Upgrading the target .NET framework version to .Net 4.0

Developers can refer to this FAQ for instructions on how to change the target .NET framework version to .NET version 4.0.


  1. How do I set up VS 2010 project files to target the v90 toolset ?

    In the project properties dialog, set Configuration Properties > General > Platform Toolset to v90. This will result in the $VCInstallDir macro to point to the installation folder of VC++ 9.0 SP1. The include, library and executable directory settings are relative to the value of the $VCInstallDir macro.

  2. How do I change the .NET framework version in my plug-in's vcxproj file ?

    The project settings dialog of VS 2010 does not allow for setting the .NET framework version targeted by a project. Hence, a text editor is needed to modify the TargetFrameworkVersion value in the vcxproj file:

<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">


  1. What are the .vcxproj.filter filters files? -

    The folders within a VS 2008 project file (known as filters) is stored by VS 2010 in a new file with the extension vcxproj.filters. When renaming, adding or removing files in a VS 2010 project file, both the .vcxproj and the .vcxproj.filters file are updated by VS 2010.

  2. Does my plug-in need to install VS 2010 redistributables?

    In general, no. The 3ds Max 2012 installer should normally install the C++, .NET framework and other run-times required by 3ds Max and the majority of the plug-ins.

  3. Why can't I attach VS 2008 to 3ds Max 2012 to debug my plug-in?

    Since 3ds Max 2012 targets .NET 4.0, VS 2008 can only be attached to it as "Native code".