Name Long (short) |
Data Type |
Description |
farPointCamera (fc) farPointCameraX (fcx) farPointCameraY (fcy) farPointCameraZ (fcz)
float3 float float float
used for volume, the far point of the visible interval in camera space
farPointObj (fo) farPointObjX (fox) farPointObjY (foy) farPointObjZ (foz)
float3 float float float
used for volume, the far point of the visible interval in object space
farPointWorld (fw) farPointWorldX (fwx) farPointWorldY (fwy) farPointWorldZ (fwz)
float3 float float float
used for volume, the far point of the visible interval in world space
filterSize (fs) filterSizeX (fsx) filterSizeY (fsy) filterSizeZ (fsz)
float3 float float float
Filter size in (u, v, w) with which to filter textures
infoBits (ib)
32-bit unsigned integer
Passes information from one node that may be needed by another node. Using this field, a file texture node with advanced filtering turned on (such as Quadratic
filtering) can be used simultaneously as both a color map and a bump map. When rendering,
Maya computes the color map using advanced filtering, but computes the bump map without
it since advanced filtering is incompatible with bump mapping.
lightDataArray (ltd) lightDirection (ld) lightDirectionX (ldx) lightDirectionY (ldy) lightDirectionZ (ldz) lightIntensity (li) lightIntensityR (lir) lightIntensityG (lig) lightIntensityB (lib) lightAmbient (la) lightDiffuse (ldf) lightSpecular (ls) lightShadowFraction (lsf)
lightData float3 float float float float3 float float float boolean boolean boolean float
Multi-attribute representing all lights linked to the shading group The light direction The light intensity Flag for ambient component Flag for diffuse component Flag for specular component Percentage shadowing of the current light, provided shadows are enabled on the given
matrixObjectToWorld (mow)
Transformation from object space into world space
matrixWorldToObject (mwo)
Transformation from world space into object space
mediumRefractiveIndex (mrfi)
refractive index of the medium through which the incident ray was travelling before
it hit the point being shaded
normalCamera (n) normalCameraX (nx) normalCameraY (ny) normalCameraZ (nz)
float3 float float float
Surface normal in camera space
numShadingSamples (ns)
Number of shading samples to take for this surface
objectId (oi)
unique ID for the object being shaded, may not be the same ID across frames
objectType (ot)
the rendering type (0=unknown, 1=surface, 2=volume(not particles), 3=blobby surface,
4=particle system, 5=image plane)
particleAge (pa)
age of the particle currently being shaded
particleColor (pc) particleColorR (pcr) particleColorG (pcg) particleColorB (pcb)
float3 float float float
per-particle color as provided by a particle color mapper
particleId (pid)
unique identifier for the particle being shaded
particleIncandescence (pi) particleIncandescenceR (pir) particleIncandescenceG (pig) particleIncandescenceB (pib)
float3 float float float
per-particle incandescence as provided by a particle incandescence mapper
particleLifespan (pls)
life-span of the current particle
particleTransparency (pt) particleTransparencyR (ptr) particleTransparencyG (ptg) particleTransparencyB (ptb)
float3 float float float
per-particle transparency as provided by a particle transparency mapper
particleWeight (w)
weight of the current particle
pixelCenter (pc) pixelCenterX (pcx) pixelCenterY (pcy)
float2 float float
center of the pixel currently being shaded in screen space
pointCamera (p) pointCameraX (px) pointCameraY (py) pointCameraZ (pz)
float3 float float float
xyz location of geometry in camera space
pointObj (po) pointObjX (pox) pointObjY (poy) pointObjZ (poz)
float3 float float float
xyz location of geometry in object space
pointWorld (pw) pointWorldX (pwx) pointWorldY (pwy) pointWorldZ (pwz)
float3 float float float
xyz location of geometry in world space
rayDepth (rd)
during raytracing, the depth of the current ray (the primary ray has a depth of 0)
rayDirection (rad) rayDirectionX (rdx) rayDirectionY (rdy) rayDirectionZ (rdz)
float3 float float float
The direction of the current intersection ray in camera space
rayOrigin (ro) rayOriginX (rox) rayOriginY (roy) rayOriginZ (roz)
float3 float float float
The origin of the current intersection ray in camera space
refPointCamera (rpc) refPointCameraX (rcx) refPointCameraY (rcy) refPointCamearZ (rcz)
float3 float float float
The current reference sample point that has to be shaded. Used in conjunction with
reference objects.
refPointObject (rpo) refPointObjectX (rox) refPointObjectY (roy) refPointObjectZ (roz)
float3 float float float
The current reference sample point that has to be shaded. Used in conjunction with
reference objects.
refPointWorld (rpw) refPointWorldX (rwx) refPointWorldY (rwy) refPointWorldZ (rwz)
float3 float float float
The current reference sample point that has to be shaded. Used in conjunction with
reference objects.
tangentUCamera(tu) tangentUx (tux) tangentUy (tuy) tangentUz (tuz)
float3 float float float
The U tangent of the surface in camera space
tangentVCamera (tv) tangentVx (tvx) tangentVy (tvy) tangentVz (tvz)
float3 float float float
The V tangent of the surface in camera space
triangleNormalCamera (tnc) triangleNormalCameraX (tnx) triangleNormalCameraY (tny) triangleNormalCameraZ (tnz)
float3 float float float
Normal of the visible triangle in camera space.
uvCoord (uv) uCoord (u) vCoord (v)
float2 float float
texture UV coordinates in surface parametric space
uvFilterSize (uf) uvFilterSizeX (ufx) uvFilterSizeY (ufy)
float3 float float
The sample (filter) size
vertexCameraOne (vc1) vertexCameraOneX (c1x) vertexCameraOneY (c1y) vertexCameraOneZ (c1z)
float3 float float float
vertex one of the triangle currently being shaded in camera space
vertexCameraTwo (vc2) vertexCameraTwoX (c2x) vertexCameraTwoY (c2y) vertexCameraTwoZ (c2z)
float3 float float float
vertex two of the triangle currently being shaded in camera space
vertexCameraThree (vc3) vertexCameraThreeX (c3x) vertexCameraThreeY (c3y) vertexCameraThreeZ (c3z)
float3 float float float
vertex three of the triangle currently being shaded in camera space
vertexUvOne (vt1) vertexUvOneU (t1u) vertexUvOneV (t1v)
float2 float float
texture coordinate of the triangle currently being shaded
vertexUvTwo (vt2) vertexUvTwoU (t2u) vertexUvTwoV (t2v)
float2 float float
texture coordinate of the triangle currently being shaded
vertexUvThree (vt3) vertexUvThreeU (t3u) vertexUvThreeV (t3v)
float2 float float
texture coordinate of the triangle currently being shaded