What's New in API in Maya 2017 Update 3
- Added enumerators to the
MLightParameterInformation class to support light information export for point lights and point light shadows.
The updates include:
glslShader, and
viewRenderOverridePointLightShadows devkit example plug-ins have been updated to include these enumerators.
- Added the
k3dPointLightShadowerShader enumerator to the
MStockShader enum members to get a stock shader instance which can be used when rendering point
light shadow maps. Use the following methods:
MShaderInstance* MShaderManager::getStockShader( MStockShader name, MShaderInstance::DrawCallback
preCb, MShaderInstance::DrawCallback postCb)const;
hwPhongShader devkit example plug-in has been updated to support this enumerator.
- The Maya API now supports the implementation of point lights and point light shadows.
A new
viewRenderOverridePointLightShadows devkit example plug-in demonstrates how to override the viewport 2.0 rendering for
the purposes of showing how point light shadow maps(cube map), which is requested
on demand, and then used for selective lighting and shadowing in a scene render. The
example creates a single point light, but is not intended to be a fully supported
render override example. To create multiple point lights, modify this line when setting
up the parameters:
status = shaderInstance->setParameter("mayaPointLight_position", &( lightPosition[0]
glslShader, and
hwPhongShader devkit example plug-ins have been updated to include the support for point lights.
MFnMesh enhancements:
MItMeshPolygon enhancements:
- Add the
MItMeshPolygon::isUVReversed() method, which checks the UV winding order for a face of the polygon being iterated.
The method returns true if the UVs on the face are reversed (clockwise) and false
if they are not reversed (counter clockwise).
- A new footPrintNode_SubSceneOverride devkit example demonstrates how to implement
sub-scene overrides for locator objects.