Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.
, [attribute=string], [controlPoints=boolean], [index=uint], [name=string], [selector=name], [shape=boolean], [sourceAttribute=name], [time=time])
Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.
choice is undoable, queryable, and editable.
The choice command provides a mechanism for changing the inputs
to an attribute based on some (usually time-based) criteria.
For example, an object could be animated from
frames 1 to 30 by a motion path, then from frames 30 to 50 it
follows keyframe animation, and after frame 50 it returns to
the motion path. Or, a revolve surface could change its input
curve depending on some transform's rotation value.
The choice command creates a choice node (if one does not already
exist) on all specified attributes of the selected objects.
If the attribute was already connected to something, that something
is now reconnected to the i'th index of the choice node's input (or
the next available input if the -in/index flag is not specified).
If a source attribute is specified, then that attribute is connected
to the choice node's i'th input instead.
The choice node operates by using the value of its selector attribute
to determine which of its input attributes to pass through to its output.
The input attributes can be of any type. For example, if the selector
attribute was connected by an animation curve with keyframes at
(1,1), (30,2) and (50,1), then that would mean that the choice node
would pass on the data from input[1] from time 1 to 30, and after time 50,
and the data from input[2] between times 30 and 50.
This command returns the names of the created or modified choice nodes,
and if a keyframe was added to the animation curve, it specifies the
index (or value on the animation curve).
string[] | The newly created and/or modified choice nodes, with the attribute
for which a selector keyframe was created.
For example: choice1.input[3] choice2.input[3] |
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
attribute, controlPoints, index, name, selector, shape, sourceAttribute, time
Flag can appear in Create mode of command
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command
Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.
import maya.cmds as cmds
# This example animates an object airplane along a motion path
# from frames 1 to 30, then continues with keyframe animation until
# frame 50, then returns to the motion path at frame 50.
path = cmds.curve(d=3,p=[(-10, 0, 0),(-6, 0, 10),(-3, 0, -10),(10, 0, 0)],k=[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
# Set a choice node on the path animation, ensuring that the choice
# selects path animation from 1 to 30, and then returns at 50.
cmds.choice( 'pPlane1', at='ty', t=[1,30,50] )
# Start a new kind of choice at time 31
cmds.choice( 'pPlane1', at='ty', t=31 )
# Create some keyframe animation between times 31 and 49
cmds.currentTime( 31 )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'pPlane1', at="ty" )
cmds.move( 1, 2, 3, r=True )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'pPlane1', at="ty", t=40 )
cmds.move( 4, 5, 6, r=True )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'pPlane1', at="ty", t=49 )
# Note that the -at/attribute and -t/time flags are not
# queryable in themselves, but they can be used to
# modify the choice nodes to query.
# What is the attribute that is connected to the pPlane1.ty choice node's
# selector attribute?
cmds.choice( 'pPlane1', at='ty', query=True, sl=True)
# Which indices will be evaluated for the choice node to pPlane1.ty
# at the given times?
cmds.choice( 'pPlane1', at='ty', t=[1,30,50], query=True, index=True)