Edit Point on Poly constraints

You edit Point on Poly constraints primarily to adjust the position of constrained objects relative to their target mesh.

To edit Point on Poly constraint attributes

  1. Select a Point on Poly constraint node, or select a Point on Poly constrained object.
  2. Do one of the following to view the Point on Poly constraint attributes:
    • In the Channel Box, click the pointOnPolyConstraint under the SHAPES heading to display the Point on Poly attributes.
    • In the Attribute Editor, select the pointOnPolyConstraint tab and expand the Point On Poly Constraint Attributes section and the Extra Attributes section.
  3. Adjust attributes as required.

    For example, use the Offset Translate and Offset Rotate fields to adjust the constrained object’s position relative to the target mesh.

  4. (Optional) If you have more than one constrained object, you can adjust the weight value and the UV position of each object. (In the Attribute Editor, these options are available in the Extra Attributes section.)

    See pointOnPolyConstraint node for descriptions of the attributes available.

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