This Renderer menu displays above the scene view, or above each view panel in a layout with multiple scene views.
Select Viewport 2.0 for a high performance scene view that optimizes large scenes. It allows you to interact with complex scenes with many objects as well as large objects with heavy geometry.
Renderer > Viewport 2.0
to set the
Viewport 2.0 options.
Select Legacy Default Viewport when you do not require a high quality render but wish to reduce draw time in the scene view and increase efficiency. When this option is turned on, the scene views are drawn with low quality settings by the hardware renderer.
When high quality interactive shading is turned on, the scene views are drawn in high quality by the hardware renderer. This lets you see a very good representation of the look of the final render without having to software render the scene.
The following is not supported:
If you require faster playback or camera tumbling while using Maya’s High Quality shading, turn on Interactive Shading (Shading > Interactive Shading).
To turn on high quality shading
Renderer > Legacy High Quality Viewport >
to set the Legacy High Quality Viewport options.
You can write your own plug-in and override the scene view renderer with the interactive renderer that you created. Once you have loaded your plug-in via the Plug-in Manager, the name of your custom renderer will appear under the Renderer Panel menu (for example, Renderer > openGLViewport Renderer). If you choose to load multiple custom renderers, they will be listed in the order that they are loaded.
Two example plug-ins have been provided with the SDK, one for OpenGL and one for Direct 3D. (Note that these example plug-ins have not yet been compiled and need to be compiled before they can be accessed via the Plug-in Manager.) For more details on API classes that can be used to create these plug-ins, see the Maya Developer Help.