Filter curve display in the Graph Editor

Curve display options in the Show menu of the Graph Editor let you control which curves display. You can also focus the Graph Editor to display only those curves that you select either in the Graph Editor or in the Channel Box by turning on the Isolate Curve option.

To filter which curves display by attribute

  1. Select a keyframed object.
  2. In the Graph Editor menu bar, select Show > Select Attributes.
  3. In the Select Attributes window that appears, use the checkboxes to set whether an attribute’s curve displays in the Graph Editor.

    For example, to have only the object’s Translate X, Y, and Z curves display, turn on only those checkboxes.

To display selected curves only

  1. Select the animated objects whose curves you want to display.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the Graph Editor, select the curves you want to view.
    • In the Channel Box, select the channels whose curves you want to view.
  3. In the Graph Editor, select Curves > Isolate Curve.

    Only your selected curves display in the graph view area, and all others are hidden. To display all curves for the selected object again, disable Curves > Isolate Curve.