Animation Options

Use the options on the Display > Animation submenu to control the display of animation objects.

Lattice Points

Turns on or off the display of the lattice points if you selected a lattice deformer (an L icon represents a lattice deformer handle). For information on lattices, see Lattices.

Lattice Shape

Turns on or off the display of the object’s lattice shape when you have selected a lattice deformer. The lattice deformer switches between displaying its lattices and the L icon. For information on lattices, see Lattices.

Joint Size

Adjust joint sizes by entering a value or use the slider for ranges of 0.01 to 10.

IK/FK Joint Size

Adjust IK/FK joint sizes by entering a value or use the slider for ranges of 0.01 to 10.

IK Handle Size

Adjust IK handle size by entering a value or use the slider for ranges of 0.01 to 10.