Turtle IBL Light Rig Editor

Use the Turtle IBL Light Rig Editor to create a spherical rig of directional light to represent environment lighting. It uses an environment shader, like an envBall, as input to calculate the colors and distribution of the lights.

To open the IBL Light Rig Editor: Select Windows > Material/Texture Baking Editors > TURTLE > IBL Light Rig Editor.

For more information on image based lighting, see the Turtle videos and tutorials on the Autodesk Knowledge Network.

Light Rig Name

The name of the new light rig to be created.

Environment Shader

The environment shader, like an envBall or envCube, to be used.


Sets the number of directional lights to be created. This affects the softness of the shadows, as well as the general lighting. A higher number of samples gives better shadows and lighting but increases the render time.


Sets the intensity of the lighting.

Emit Diffuse

Toggles the diffuse lighting from the lights.

Emit Specular

Toggles specular highlights from the lights.

Enable Shadows

Enables raytraced shadows on the created lights.

Shadow Rays

Sets the number of shadow rays for raytraced shadows.

Light Angle

Sets the light angle for raytraced shadows.

Emit Photons

Enables photon emission from the lights in the rig.

Caustics Photons

Sets the number of caustics photons to be emitted into the scene.

Global Photons

Sets the number of global photons to be emitted into the scene.

Photon Energy

The total photon energy.