Create an animated image plane

You can assign an image sequence or a movie file to an image plane in order to create an animated image background in your scene.

Tip: One simple way to create a movie or image sequence in Maya LT is to Playblast an animation.

To create an animated image plane using a movie file

  1. From the panel menus, select View > Image Plane > Import Movie.
  2. Browse to select a movie file and click Open.
  3. Playback the scene to view your animated image plane in the background.

To create an animated image plane using an image sequence

  1. From the panel menus, select View > Image Plane > Import Image.
  2. Browse to select the first file in your image sequence and click Open.
  3. Select the image plane.
  4. In the Attribute Editor, turn on Use Image Sequence.

    This automatically enters a frame number in the Image Number attribute, based on the current frame of the Time Slider. You can set keyframes on the Image Number attribute just like animating any other attribute.

  5. Playback the scene to view your animated image plane in the background.
  6. Note: Changing an image used in a sequence in the Attribute Editor disables the Use Image Sequence option, and any keys set on the Image Number attribute are lost.

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