Turtle Texture Resampling Editor

Use the Turtle Texture Resampling Editor to resample an already baked texture. For example, if you baked a texture using one UV set, but want to convert it to another UV set, you can simply resample the texture to a new UV set instead of rebaking the texture again.

To open the Texture Resampling Editor, select Windows > Material/Texture Baking Editors > TURTLE > Texture Resampling Editor.

The name of the texture that is resampled.
Source UV Set
The name of the UV layout that corresponds to the resampled texture.
Target UV Set
The name of the UV layout that the texture should be resampled to.
The directory where the resampled texture is stored.
File Name
The name of the resampled texture. The name is put together by the user with the help of the following predefined variables:
  • $m − material name (shading group)
  • $s − shape name
  • $t − full path to shape
  • $u − uvset name
  • $e − file format extension
  • $f − frame number

When these variables are found in the file name they are replaced with the corresponding text string. For example, "lightmap $m $s.$e" translates to "lightmap lambert1SG meshShape1.tif", "lightmap $t.$f.$e" translates to "lightmap mesh1 meshShape1.42.tif", and "normalmap $s $u.$e" translates to "normalmap meshShape1 uvSet1.tif".

Sets the resolution of the resampled texture map.
File Format
Sets file format of the resampled texture.
Edge Dilation
Sets the number of pixels to stretch texture edges. If filtering is used on the resampled textures, this can be used to eliminate bleeding problems.
Background Color
Sets the texture background color. All unsampled textures receive this color.