Bevel command

A Bevel expands each selected vertex and edge into a new face, rounding the edges of a polygon mesh. You can position these new faces at an offset from the original edge or scale them towards the original face center using the Bevel Options.

Performing a bevel operation on any mesh produces predictable results. In the following example, several corner edges are beveled. All of the beveled edges are equal in length, and the new segments are parallel.

On meshes with assigned color-per-vertex data, the vertex colors for the new vertices on the Bevel are derived from the original neighboring vertices and the colors are interpolated as required.

Note: Scenes with bevel nodes that were created using Maya LT 2014 or earlier versions automatically use Maya's legacy bevel algorithm.

Use one of the following methods to access the Bevel command:

For more information on how to bevel components, see the related topics.

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