Animation controls menu

Right-click anywhere on the Time Slider to display a menu for animation control operations. These operations work on keys of the currently selected objects.
Cut, Copy, and Delete
Cut, Copy, and Delete affect the keys at the current time or in the selected ranges. Cut and Copy place the selected keys on an internal clipboard for pasting, and Delete removes the selected keys from the timeline. Copy, Cut, and Delete also operate on integer time ranges. For example, if your current time is 5, these items act on the range of 5 up to 6, but not including any keys at time 6.
Paste puts any copied or cut keys from the clipboard at the current time. Paste > Paste Connect pastes copied keys the same as if you select Edit > Keys > Paste with the Connect option turned on.
There are two ways to paste keys into the Time Slider:
  • Click the time where you want the pasted keys to start. Existing keys beyond that time will be shifted by the time range of the pasted keys.
  • To fit the keys into a particular time range, Shift-click the Time Slider to select a time range. The keys will be scaled to fit that range. Existing keys in the selected area are removed.

Use Snap to force selected keys to snap in time to the nearest whole time units.

  • Convert to Key converts selected Breakdowns to normal keys.
  • Convert to Breakdown converts normal keys to Breakdowns.
  • Add Inbetween adds a single Inbetween.
  • Remove Inbetween removes a single Inbetween.

The Tangents item will set the tangent of the keys at the current time, or all the keys in a selected time range.

  • Spline creates an animation curve that is smooth between the key before and the key after the selected key.
  • Linear creates an animation curve as a straight line joining two keys.
  • Clamped creates an animation curve that has the characteristics of linear and spline curves.
  • Stepped creates an animation curve whose out tangent is a flat curve.
  • Flat sets the in and out tangents of the key to be horizontal (with a slope of 0 degrees).
  • Plateau eases animation curves in and out of their keyframes like spline tangents, but also flatten curve segments that occur between equal-valued keyframes like clamped tangents.
  • Auto clamps curve values between frames to a maximum or minimum point based on the adjacent keyframe values.
For more description of each of these tangent types, see Graph Editor Tangents menu.
Playback Speed

Lets you set the playback speed or frame rate of your current scene.


Sets the playback speed of your current scene to 30 frames per second.

Play Every Frame, Free

Sets the playback speed of your current scene to play every frame and not be clamped to a specific maximum frame rate.

Play Every Frame, Max Real-time

Sets the playback speed of your current scene to play every frame and be clamped to a maximum frame rate of 30 frames per second.

Display Key Ticks
Lets you set the source of the key ticks shown on the Time Slider. Choose:
  • Active: keys set on the active object. This is the default.
  • From Channel Box: keys set in the Channel Box. See Set keys in the Channel Box.
  • None: does not show key ticks on the Time Slider.
  • Show Layer Weight: shows the weight animation for a selected layer.
  • From Layer Editor Show Options: uses whatever setting is active in the Animation Layer Editor menu bar Show menu.
  • All Affecting: shows keys for all affected animation layers. (All layers that contain attributes of objects selected in the scene.).
  • Active: shows only keys from active layers.
  • Selected: shows only keys from selected animation layers.
  • Active and Selected: shows keys from both active and selected animation layers.

See View layered animation for more information.

Playback Looping

To select playback looping options, right-click the Time Slider and select Playback Looping > Once, Oscillate, or Continuous (For a demonstration of this behavior, see Loop in Playback Options.) These are the same options as using the Loop icon in the Playback Options and the Preferences window.

Set Range To
  • Start/End sets the playback range to the Start and End values set in the Playback Range numeric input fields.
  • Min/Max sets the playback range to the first and last keys of the scene.
  • Selected sets the playback range to the range defined by the current selection on the Time Slider.
  • Enabled clips sets the playback range to include the range of all enabled clips.
  • Sound Length sets the playback range to the duration of a sound currently loaded into the Time Slider.
  • Preferences sets the playback range to the values in the Preferences window.
Time Display
Select what format Time information appears on the Time Marker:
  • Frames: Displays frames on all time rulers, current time markers, and input fields which display or accept time.
  • Timecode: Displays video standard timecode on all time rulers, current time markers, and input fields which display or accept time.
  • Timecode and frames on Time Marker: Displays video standard timecode on timemarkers while time rulers shown frames. This is the legacy display when Timecode is set in the in the Time Slider options in the Time Slider Preferences
Enable Stepped Preview

Lets you toggle Stepped Preview mode on and off, easily switching curves from Spline to Stepped tangents and back. When on, keys temporarily display with Stepped tangents, so playing back your animation gives a quick view of object positions as they hit each keyframe. When off, the animation plays as usual with the original tangents. See also Stepped tangents.


This menu lets you select an imported sound to be displayed on the Time Slider.

Select Sound > <filename> > .


Selecting this opens the Playblast window. Selecting the option box () opens the Playblast Options window.