Create a ShaderFX shader

To create a ShaderFX shader

Do one of the following:
  • Select your object, then click on the Shading shelf.

    A Shaderfx Shader is automatically created and assigned to the object.

  • Right-click an object and select Assign New Material, then select Shaderfx Shader from the Assign New Material window.
  • Open the Hypershade window and then select Shaderfx Shader from the Maya category, Surface subcategory. To assign the Shaderfx Shader to an object, you can Middle-drag the material from the Hypershade to the object in your scene, just as you would any other Maya shader.

To open ShaderFx to edit your node graph

Click Open ShaderFX in the ShaderfxShader Attribute Editor.

Three nodes are created automatically: Color, TraditionalGameSurfaceShader and Material.

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